Cardassian Union

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Cardassian Union Fact Sheet
Updated SD 190224


Once a spiritual and peaceful people, the population of Cardassia Prime grew to a point where the planet could no longer the civilization. During this time, the military gained strength. To gain the resources needed to maintain the standard of living on Cardassia Prime, the military embarked on a series of wars of conquest and greatly expanded the terriroty of the Cardassian Union. The planet Bajor was annexed in 2328, making the greatest extent of Cardassian expansion. The United Federation of Planets fought the attempts of the Cardassian Union to expand past Bajor and into the Federation Treaty expansion territory.

Finally in 2366, the Federation and Cardassians entered into a truce ending open hostilities. A terrorist organization consisting largely of those displaced by the Cardassians and Federation citizens unhappy with the truce, the Maquis, continued to create problems along the border for decades. A combination of Bajoran resistance activities and the inability of the Cardassian government to sustain war activities led to a withdraw from Bajor in 2369.

Later political upheaveals brought many changes to the Cardassian political system which culminated in the Cardassian-Dominion Alliance which soon led to the Dominion War.

After the war ended, as part of the peace treaty, the Cardassian Empire was banned from producing new types of warships for forty years.

Although there have been numerous challenges to the stability of the truce from both sides, it has held and relations between the Federation and Cardassians remain peaceful.




  • The Cardassian pages were developed for BATA and OSFI by Jeffrey Jenkins. They have been edited by Scott Lusby.