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Cheers all!<br>
Cheers all!<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Small Talk</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 10-17-1996</h4>
SD: 81017.1100<br>
MD: 3.1300<br>
Scene: Lakeside Park, Holodeck 3<br>
Zane had opted to play left field and now three innings into the
game he was regretting the choice. After the intial flurry of activity
that had stated it off it had settled, like most baseball games eventually
do, into a rather slow pace. The fact that no one had hit anything out to
left field didn't help. Fortunately he had a good view of the adjacent
field where a large group were playing what someone had told him was
frisbee football. This seemed much more interesting and definetly more
exciting. At least there was running involved. With a grunt he flung his
head down towards the ground.
"Do I even want to know?" Bat asked as walked up from the edge of
the field to find Zane bent over, his left cheek parallel with the grass.
"No." The Captain replied firmly. "What are you doing on the
field? We are in the middle of a game."
The bartender snorted. "Yeah I've been watching, just been chaos
out here for you. I noticed that you didn't get a chance to eat so I
brought you this." He held up a very large sausage smothered in a number
of toppings, some of which Zane didn't recognize. A few more light taps
to the right side of his head and then he stood accepting the food.
"Thanks. Nothing worse then getting water stuck in your ears."
"A popcorn kernal at the back of your throat?" Bat offered before
grimacing as he watched Chief Larocque jump up to catch a high frisbee and
then come crashing down on his back. "Or that." He added. Zane nodded.
"The dunk tank was a good idea. Loosened everyone up." He took a
big bite of the sausage. "Next time ask me first."
"Now we both know you would have agreed to it so why waste the
time." Bat said with a grin. "Uh your up."
"What?" Zane asked before following Bat's pointed finger to the
high fly ball heading his way. "Here!" He said as he handed Bat the half
eaten sausage and jogged off to get underneath the ball. It was a high
one with not a lot of speed to it so, exhausted, it sank like a rock and
was easily caught. A quick throw to second and Zane returned to Bat.
"I was just talking with Ensign Lee. She seems to be a good kid,
still a little nervous though." Bat continued as he handed back the
"Well its her first cruise, that's to be expected. She seem
satisfied with today's results?"
"So far. She got all clinical on me but the gist of it was
everyone is relaxing and having fun. Its also helping the new crew
intergrate in with the old." The old bartender waved over towards the
lively game of frisbee football.
Zane laughed. "You never were the clincal type."
"Why waste your time with 15 letter words. Say what you mean and
get on with it...." His voice trailed off as he watched the action on the
infield. "Well thats it."
Zane gestured towards the bench. "Shall we?"
As the two men walked towards Zane's team's bench the conversation
turned towards the upcoming mission. "Any thoughts on what your going to
find out there?" Bat asked.
"A lot of very small debris if what the survivors told Fleet are
accurate. I'm actually surprised any of the escape pods made it past the
ships explosion. Must've been a rocky ride."
"Ever been through pod ejection?" Bat asked.
"Only on the holodeck."
"It ain't alot of fun." Bat unconsciously rubbed a shoulder that
had popped last time he had ejected. "I can't see there being much
information left to find. Surely the two rescue ships did a thorough
search." The retired Starfleet officer prodded for information. He
understood he was no longer 'in the loop' anymore and he hated it.
"Well they did but it was the GHENT and the WESTPHALIA that
repsonded." Zane replied in answer.
"They're both diplomatic ships." Bat said with a nod. "Not
much in the way of scientific equipment or personnel."
"No. But the FEYNMAN on the other hand...." He shrugged. "Still
I don't expect to find a 'smoking gun' but some info on the weapon type
used, something about their drive system, maybe even a trail to follow.
I'm sure we'll find something."
"Well are you two still friends?" A new voice entered the
Bat chuckled. "I guess. Just don't tell anyone, I've got my
reputation to consider."
Krysa grinned. "Nice catch."
Zane returned the smile and held her glance. "Nice hit."
Bat raised an eyebrow.
Zane turned to face his gathering team as Krysa jogged off to her
position. "Ok who's up?"
"The Terrifying Tamarian!" Jerran shouted out before making a
show of handing the FO his bat. "Your weapon sire."
So how's the game going? Want to keep going or arrive and get to work?
-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
