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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Enemies On All Fronts</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 7-22-1996</h4>
SD: 80722.1015<br>
MD: 4.14:30<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
> A collective gasp went over the bridge as everyone understood the full<br>
> ramifications of the situation. "What's left?" the commander asked.<br>
> "I've still got the thrust vectors from the impulse drive to work with,<br>
> but that's not going to give us enough maneuverability to dodge the<br>
> gravimetric fields, let alone dodge the phaser blasts." As if to<br>
> accentuate the FCO's statement, another phaser blast rocked the ship.<br>
> <Engineering to bridge. That last blast nocked out the port impulse<br>
> drive. Attempting to compensate with the starboard.><br>
> "Damn," Jerran said under his breath as he tried to maneuver away from a<br>
> thick area of gas. With the port drive ouit, that meant he would have<br>
> less room to maneuver, as the starboard drives vecotred nozzle would have<br>
> to be used to compensate for the offbalanced thrust.<br>
"Mr. Allard target that tractor beam and fire everything we've got!" Maril ordered.
"Helm, reduce engines, we're not going anywhere as long as she's
got a hold of us. Be ready to move the second the beam goes down."
Zane raced through the options in his mind, their were precious
few. Their only hope was to break free of the tractor-beam and escape
deeper into the 'sack where the larger ship couldn't follow.
"The PHOENIX's tractor-beam is fluctuating!" Krysa announced
"Can we break free?" Maril demanded.
"Not yet sir." Jerran answered
"Keep it up Mr. Allard."
Scene:Bridge, USS PHOENIX<br>
Tremaine smiled as the ship bucked from the FEYNMAN's attack. It
was useless but he gave them credit for trying.
"Captain a few precise phaser shots and we can take out their aft
weapons" The executive officer frowned, he had counselled waiting for
their three companions before they attacked but Tremaine had not listened.
"No, they can't break free and I don't want to chance loosing
them. We need the ship to explore the sack and plan our attack.
Besides...." Tremaine was thrown from his seat as the ships's port side
received a vicious salvo of disruptor fire.
"Report!" Tremaine screamed.
"Seven small craft have entered the sector they are concentrating
their attack on us."
"On screen. Xanthandi!" The FO exclaimed.
"Evasive maneovers, return fire." Tremaine ordered, furious.
"We can't! Not enough power for weapons, shields and the tractor
beam." he reminded the captain.
"How long til the ARGO arrives?"
"Two minutes, maybe 90 seconds."
"Damn! Drop tractor but keep a lock on the FEYNMAN. Get those
ships out of my sky."
With a jolt the ship was free.
"We've been released!" Krysa announced triumphantly
Zane had already chosen a place to hide. "Helm, come to course
315 mark 23. Best speed. Once were in that pocket, full stop and shut
down everything. Good work Mr. Allard!"
"It wasn't me sir. Ships that the computer has identified as
Xanthandi heavy fighters attacked the PHOENIX. They dropped the tractor
"Ensign, sound general quarters, intruder alert. Seal off
engineering and find me that saboteur."
"Zane to Engineering."
[Engineering, Lt. Koreth here. Captain we've taken alot of damage
but most of it isn't critical. They were obviously trying to cripple, not
"How long?" Zane asked as he simultaneously listened to the
reports around him.
[18 hours...maybe 14 if you can keep things quiet.]
"No promises but I'll do my best. Can you switch to a secure
[One moment.] A pause as Koreth headed to the security of his
office. He had a good idea what this was about. [I'm secure.]
"Its unlikely that all those failures were coincidence. It looks
like we have a sabotuer aboard. Probably in engineering."
[Agreed.] The Klingon growled, his mind going over the fitness
reports of the new engineering crew they had taken on at EPSILON. [He
will not remain hidden.]
"I don't have to tell you its a priority. Keep me informed on the
repairs. Zane out."
"How about it Mr. Jerran?"
"90 seconds until the cloud."
"Are we being followed?"
"No sir." Allard replied. "The PHOENIX and the Xanthandi are
quite busy with each other."
"Did the shuttles survive?" Zane asked
"There not on the sensors." Krysa replied. "But I haven't found
any debris either. Continuing scanning."
"Well let's hope they're alright and they'll be able to find us."
"Mr. Allard send a a short communication burst to EPSILON
apprising them of our situation."
"Aye sir...We've got shields...47%!"
"Thank-you Mr. Koreth!"
Zane turned to his FO. "The Xanthandi, this close to the
"The Armies of Holteri at the Gates." He replied grimly
Just a note about the PHOENIX's power problem....the four GREY Fleet ships
were put their because they had some major deficiencies which left them
unable to be commissioned.
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned<br>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
