ORIGINS: USS Hood October 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Anyone Got An Energizer?"==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.284
MD: 5.1438
Setting: Tunnel outside pyramid, Velorum IV
<<snip- from Steve's post, entitled "Who Knew Death Was so Fatal">>
"Is there anything that connects them?" DeSimms asked.
"There is sar, but I'm not sure what it means yet." Corbett said. "Both
bodies had an area of petechia at the base of the neck. These are flat round
red spots under the skin surface caused by bleeding into the area. They are
usually caused by intradermal hemorrhage due to some kind of trauma. I've
seen these kind of marks before during strangulation cases. My examination
of both bodies showed that these men had hairline fractures of both the
hyoid bone and upper thyroid horns consistent with self strangulation."
"If that wasn't the cause of death was it a contributor?" Merrick asked
trying to piece this together.
"No sar, the fractures were days old as was the sub-dermal bruising to the
laryngeal tissue." Corbett said then paused for a moment. "I can't say for
sure but by the position of the injuries it was as if these men were
strangling themselves in an effort to force something out of their throats."
<<snip- new material>>
Gar scratched the white tuft of hair on top of his ice-blue skin. "You said
the second body's been drained of energy?"
Doctor Corbett nodded. "That's right, Gar- nothin' left."
Gar took a step closer, and his antennae twitched. "As if he had been used
as a giant battery and then discarded once he was drained?"
Corbett thought about that. "I suppose that would be one way to describe
it," he said.
Now, Merrick chimed in. "Could that also explain the unnatural aging of the
first victim?"
Corbett pursed his lips. "Well, in order to do that, he would have to have
been 'drained and re-charged,' as it were, several times. That could
prematurely age a body- in theory, anyway."
DeSimms shook his head. "That's a hell of a theory," he deadpanned.
"Theory's all we got right now," Merrick countered. He turned back to
Stile. "What about the petechia?"
Before Stile could answer, Gar interrupted. "Could simply be one of the
places where they were 'connected' to whatever it was they were powering,"
he offered. "Of course, there would need to be a corresponding connection,
drawing an opposite charge in order for the circuit to work."
Merrick glanced back at the doctor. "You find anything like that?"
The Texan shook his head. "No, can't say that I have," he said. "'Course,
I may have seen it and not noticed it without the context." He turned and
began making his way back towards the tent where the bodies were. "Let me
look at 'em again, and I'll let you know."
Gar turned his attention back to his tricorder...and immediately noticed
something funny. "Hey- I'm getting another reading- this one's coming from
inside that pyramid."
Merrick moved a few steps and stood next to Gar, glancing at the tricorder.
"What kind of readings?"
"Definitely EM, Commander," he said. "Something was masking it; I can't
tell if the masking agent is natural or otherwise, but it was there. It's
still there- but we're obviously close enough to the source to pick it up."
They both looked down the darkened tunnel that led into the pyramid.
"DeSimms," Merrick called, glancing back at the Andorian engineer. "How
about sending a couple of scouts down there for us?"
5.1438- Gar Th'elenth comes up with a possible theory about the bodies, then
picks up an EM signal from inside the pyramid.
All- Just something to move this thing along some.
Daniel- PING!!!! We've got you all set up here!
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer