ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2009: Difference between revisions

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==USS HOOD: ==
==USS HOOD: The Weight of Command==
===by ===
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.192

MD: 7.1800

Scene: Bridge
            “Coffee sir?”  Yeoman Greene asked with a bright smile as she held out the cup of coffee.
            “Yes, thank you Yeoman.”  Jack said not really paying attention as he read through the brief report Commander Merrick had filed after he, DeSimms and the doctor had returned to the ship.  It was only a preliminary report that did little more then give a laundry list of supplies they had transferred to the outpost.  There was also a short outline of recommendations they had passed along to help the outpost prepare itself for the possibility of attack.  Jack looked forward to a more complete report from Merrick but for now this and the first officer’s assessment of Lieutenant Yarith as being ‘one tough broad’ sufficed.  He placed the report down on the armrest and sipped his coffee wondering as he tasted the perfectly brewed drink where it had come from.
            “Captain all departments report ready to break orbit.”  The comm officer informed him.
            “Thank you ensign.  Alright Mr. Ventura you have your course?”
            “Course laid in for Outpost Nine.”  Chance answered with a nod to the navigator.
            “Break orbit and get us underway.  Warp factor seven.”
            “Aye aye sir.  Warp factor seven.”
            As the drone of the engines began to increase Sean and Jack traded a look.  This was what he was sure would prove to be the first of several bad decisions that had to be made during this mission.  Bad because whichever way he went could be potentially disastrous.  Outpost Eight had been the first stop simply because it was the next potential target in a fairly small chain.  They assumed that the Klingons might hit here next solely due to its proximity to the last target but that just as easily might not be the case.  Now that they were finished here the question became what was the next course of action.  HOOD could linger in the vicinity in the hopes of catching the Klingons as they tried to attack the outpost.  But what if they had decided to skip Eight and attack Outpost Nine? 
Jack had decided that having done their best to shore up Eight’s limited defences they would move on to do the same with Nine and then Ten before looping back.  It was the best decision with limited resources.  He just hoped it wouldn’t be the worst.
            Captain Sinclair had faced decisions like this before as had past captains he had served with.  As he had moved up the ranks he had even participated in the discussions designed to help his CO make the call.  This decision was no different then any of those dilemmas.  Except for the first time his was the final say, he held the responsibility and people might live or die solely due to a course of action that only he could lay out.  Looking down at his coffee cup Jack finally understood, really understood, the true weight of command.
Just a short CD post  I wrote waiting for Brian/Steve/Dan’s JP I have another one to follow that gets the mission really going.
And my weekly cheerleading pitch…still got some holes to fill so if any of you RP with a friend elsewhere who you think would be a good fit please let me know.  The COMM slot is still open but if they aren’t interested in that I’m sure we can be creative.
CAPT Jack Steele

==USS HOOD: ==
==USS HOOD: ==