USS Feynman DEC 1996: Difference between revisions

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a little... :) . You can pass through the walls now Melanie. Now could
a little... :) . You can pass through the walls now Melanie. Now could
somebody spare a phaser???]
somebody spare a phaser???]
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Additions</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Jason Bostjancic 12-2-1996</h4>
Stardate: 81202.2300<br>
Scene: Reaver Base<br>
MD: 7.1000<br>
''Loren had summoned up a lot of anger as he approached the wall, the Reavers
not too far behind, and he had gone through the wall. He saw the Starfleet
uniforms, so he thought that there was no trouble from that corner.
"They're after me!"
Despite the surprise the whole group had received upon Loren coming through
the wall, Allard and his officers quickly raised their rifles both towards
the wall and down the corridors.''
Tarrant stared at the new arrival, trying to quickly size up the
newcomer. This was just too strange to be true. But his
tricorder registered the haggard individual who just came
through the wall as a betazoid. It would have to be enough for
the time being.
''Allard's rifle was pointed at the nearest wall, but he was still
surprised when his tricorder suddenly registered movement directly in
front of him. He was equally surprised when a hand reached from the
solid wall and grabbed his rifle.
More of the walls or doors opened up to spill the figures of Reavers out
onto the away team.''
The CEO's mind had a second to register what the attackers
looked like. Definitely insectoid - mores specifically arachnid. four
'legs' , each about twice the size of a normal humanoids, extended
from the oval shaped body. A strong exoskeleton seemed to protect
the body and 'head' section. The tips of the legs came to sharp points,
which Tarrant noted, seemed to form a kind of puddle on the alien
floor when they touched. It explained the need for the grippy floor.
It took but a moment to observe the enemy, and in the same breath
the partial Klingon fired. The blast struck it's target mid-high on an
attacker's body. It flew back into the wall which puddled around it.
Suddenly another came through.. then another.
Tarrant tried to get a clear shot, but the corridor was too small with all
the current occupants to get a good shot off. Despite that, the rest of
the team fired on. J.C. was careful of his shots... but very effective.
The Betazoid newcomer's face was in deep concentration as one of
of the reavers became split from a closing wall.
The arachnid's were attacking using their pointed appendages. Rearing
up on the two back legs, they would wrap the upper legs around
a victim or attempt to pierce them.
"Here!" shouted Tarrant as he tossed the Rifle over to Loren.
A reaver approached their position, as Loren grabbed the rifle.
Then suddenly it's advance was stopped by the loss of a limb.
The Feynman's CEO held his Katana as yellowish fluid dripped
from the blade. With quickness surprising for his size, Tarrant
entered the melee.
Sorry, but I had to give our enemy a physical form.
Figured they'd look something like the 'Shadows' from
Babylon 5 for those who are familiar.. but with a few
Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE<br>
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN<br>
Potest esse nur unus<br>