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-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: 55 - Shuttlecraft Away</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 6-12-1996</h4>
SD: 80627.1536 (GMT)<br>
MD: 5.1300<br>
Scene: USS FEYNMAN, Main Shuttlebay<br>
LTJG Jerran Terel and Midshipman Talo stepped on board the Runabout NOGURA
as the rest of the pilots settled into their shuttlecraft. Jerran touched
a comm pad on the control panel and said, "NOGURA to Bridge. Inform the
Cardassians that we are beginning launch operations now."
<Confirmed, NOGURA. You are clear to launch.>
Jerran closed the line and turned to the Cadet and smiled reassuringly to
him. "All shuttles, stay on my six once we've cleared the bay."
<Roger that, Lieutenant,> came Jennifer Cartwright's voice over the comm.
After Talo brought the ships impulse engines up to full power, Jerran
deftly flew the runabout out of the shuttlebay and into the empty space
above the ring. He looked over to port and starboard to see the flights
of shuttles coming out of the Cardassian ships and decided everything was
going as planned. Tapping the comm pad again he said, "All shuttles, this
is LTJG Jerran. Prepare to deploy on my mark. Cardassian shuttles, break
off and regroup with your assigned FEYNMAN shuttles for deployment. Let's
move out."
About twenty shuttlecraft were now flying over the Ring, some of them
pulling into formation with each other. A pair of Cardassian shuttles
came up to flank the NOGURA, escorting the FCO's ship to the far edge of
the Ring. After they had all formed up on their respective wings, the
shuttles activated their warp drive for the short journey to their
assigned destinations.
After a few minutes, Jerran ordered Talo to shut down the warp drive and
bring up the impulse drive for sublight maneuvering. Talo nodded and
complied with the order saying, "Controls seem kind of sluggish. Must be
a glitch in the control interface."
Jerran nodded and said, "Just as long as it holds together till we're
through here, and we'll be fine."
<Beta squad to Alpha squad.> Jennifer said over the comlink. <All squads
are formed up and in position.>
"Good. Jerran to FEYNMAN. We can begin operations." Over to the sides
of the runabout, Jerran noticed that the Cardassian shuttles were getting
somewhat close. That's when he noticed two small projectiles moving
outwardfrom each of the shuttles. He tried to dodge them, but the
runabout was too slow for such a maneuver. The incoming torpedoes struck
amidship as he took her into a roll, two striking each on the top and
bottom. The explosion sent the ship whirling toward the ring.
"Inertial dampeners offline!" Talo shouted through the whine of wrenching
metal. "Warp reactor core failure imminent!"
Jerran tapped at his console, trying to hold on despite the high G forces
of the turn. "Manual release is inoperative. She's going to..."
Just then, the runabout exploded into a million fragmants floating in a
large cloud of plasma above the ring. The other FEYNMAN shuttles were
having similar fates as their Cardassian "allies" opened fire on them.
After the dust had settled, LTJG Jerran looked over at Midshipman Talo, WO
Dunnon, Midshipman Kaz, ENS Cartwright, Midshipman Alera, Midshipman
Serana, and WO Austin, all framed by the yellow glowing grid of the
"Wooowee!" yelled the Texan pilot with a smile. "I'd say they took the
bait like an armidillo takes to a busy highway!"
Jerran allowed hismelf a slight smile, still not understanding the
Terran's humor, and said, "I'd say you're right, if I knew exactly what
you meant. Now, I'd better get up to the bridge. I have a feeling all
hell is about to break loose, as you would say, Tex."
"Damned tootin', pardner! I mean, sir."
"The rest of you get to your emergency posts."
The all filed quickly out of the holodeck as Jerran ran for the bridge.
When he got there, CMDR Zane looked over to him as he walked over to his
place at the helm. "How'd it go, Lieutenant?"
"Rather well, sir. The Cardassians attacked the shuttles, just as
planned. Had I not been slowed, however, by the bad connection between
the holodeck and the remote operations on the NOGURA, then I might have
been able to save her."
"Something tells me that the Cardassians wouldn't have appreciated that,
Mr. Jerran. It would have ruined their plans immensely, which we will do
anyway.. They called just before you got up here saying that there was
some sort of malfunction in the interface between our transporters and
theirs, and that their people have reported that our shuttles have all
lost communications in addition to warp drive failure."
"At least they aren't lying, sir. It was the warp drive failure that
caused the destruction of the shuttles, eventually. And, it would be
somewhat difficult for me to open communications with you when I am dead."
"Certainly. Bridge to transporter room. Begin beaming up the landing
parties. Mr. Jerran, I hope your warp jump is ready."
"Yes, sir, it is," the pilot said, looking back at the CEO standing at the
engineering console for a second. "But Mr. Koreth and I have run into a
minor obstacle."
The commander looked back to the engineer as the Klingon said, "We will
have to divert more of our power to the IDF and SIF fields, so shields
will be unavailable for five seconds after the maneuver is complete."
The captain nodded as the FCO said, "But, that shouldn't be a problem, as
I anticipate that we will be out of the area before the Cardassians take
another shot at us."
"Well, let's just hope it works."
<Transporter room to bridge. The last of the landing parties is beaming
up now...>
Well, here we go :)
<pre style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
*      *          *
* Raneov Stefanh e-Annhwi tr'Khnialmnae, CO, HgR Ja'telaih, TOS TREKMUSE  *
* LTJG Jerran Terel, FCO, USS FEYNMAN, alt.starfleet.rpg                  *
* ENS Logan Knight, CEO, USS TSUNAMI, alt.starfleet.rpg                    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                          *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                              *
* University of South Florida                                              *
