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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Bridge--->10 Forward</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 5-22-1996</h4>
SD: 80522.1600<br>
MD: 3.1700<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
"Helm put us 2000m above the ring and then set a course to follow
it around it's circumference at half-impulse."
"Aye sir."
The away teams had beamed down a little over an hour ago and
since then the mood on the bridge and throughout the ship had become a
sombre one. For those on board who did not have a medical or science
background there was little that could be done to help their friends and
collegues below. Of course there was always something to do on a
starship but these everyday tasks now seemed incredibly unimportant in
light of the current situation. At least now this would give them
something else to keep their minds occupied.
"Mr. Garrett coordinate the sensors with the astronmical labs to
gather as much information on the Ring as possible. But make sure these
scans don't interfere with the long range sensors. If someone even gets
close to this system I want to know about it before they do."
"Yes sir." the AOPS replied.
Zane squirmed in his chair restlessly. He was full of pent up
energy. For the last 2 days the ship had been a bustle activity as
everyone prepared for the away missions. But now that they were gone
there was very little for the crew who were not in the sciences to do.
"Mr. Jerran you have the bridge. If you need me I'll be....I'll
be..." he shrugged not knowing, "...around."
Scene: Sickbay<br>
Bat leaned against the bar, blue and white cloth in hand
furiously polishing a glass that didn't need it. It was his trademark
stance, an action he said added atmosphere to the Ancient Western decor
of the bar. One look at the grip he had on the glass and it was obvious
that atmosphere was not what he had on his mind.
As Zane entered he noticed Bat's dark mood and decided quickly he
did not want to be the recipient of it. Tempering himself to a wave he
headed for a table by one of the main windows. For a few seconds he
stared out at the Ring passing below the ship like somesort of
intergalactic freeway they had stumble upon. Seeing movement out of the
corner of his eye, and choosing to ignore it he activated his PADD and
began to scan the information on the small screen.
Bat dropped himself into the chair across from the captain and
stared out the window. After a few seconds he began to tap his fingers
along the bottom of the table knowing fullwell how annoying this was to
Zane. After a few more minutes of silence he began to drum his knuckles
along the table edge in mindless rythmn.
Zane placed the PADD on the table and sighed. "Something on your mind?"
"What?" Bat feigned surprise and then looked down at his
wrapping knuckles. "Oh sorry." Pause. "Any word from the away teams?"
"They just beamed down an hour ago. And we're under restricted
communications. We won't here anything for several hours."
Zane picked up his PADD and began to read.
"I don't know what Starfleet thinks its up to but...." The rest
was to mumbled to hear.
"What was that?" Zane asked knowing the storm was on the way.
"What in blazes are we doing here?" Bat demanded.
"Looking for a cure to the plague." Zane answered knowing that
was not what the bartender was getting at.
"Thats not what I mean and you damn well know it! Why is this
ship, this crew here? Last time I checked we were supposed to be a
deep-space explorer not some damn hospital ship!"
"Part of the mission of an explorer is to render aid. You know that."
"This isn't just rendering aid. We've got a full blown plague on
our hands and damn few resources. Don't you think a HIPPOCRATES or even
NIGHTENGALE class ship would be better suited?"
"Of course they would but they weren't available and we were. We
may not have the medical facilities but we certainly have the people.
Dr. Glin'kharr's reputation is well known and Dr. Tok left one of the
best trained medical departmetns anywhere. Don't you think we're up to?"
"Of course I do!" Bat shouted indignantly as if his loyalty had
just been questioned. "These are some of the finest people I've ever
know and I'd put this crew against any other any time, any place and know
they'd come out on top. Its just...."
"I know." Zane replied quietly. "But they'll be fine. We've
been worse situations than this."
The two men stared out the window before Bat spoke.
"What are you going to do if they don't find a cure?"
Zane sat quietly considering the question that he had been
overwrought with since Glin'kharr had arrived in his ready-room. "My
orders are clear."
<nowiki>Bat leaned forward. "I don't care about any damn orders. What
are *you* going to do."</nowiki>
Before Zane could answer a new voice joined the conversation.
"Excuse me, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important but I needed a
break. May I join you?"
"Kavan! Please, sit down."
For those of you who have been given the option of going on the away
mission can you let us know (even by NRPG if you don't have time to post)
if you will in fact beam down so we know where everyone is. As in any
old war movie, for those of you who choose not to volunteer, no questions
will be asked and you will be not thought any less of. <G>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>