ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2011: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Last Call For Mayhem==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2262.055
MD 3.0821
Scene: Metron Sphere
(Shortly before Andy's "New Arrivals")
The operation on Kiska had been every bit as gruesome to watch as Sean had
feared. But in the end, he had stuck by her side as he had promised her. And he
had not thrown up or fainted as he had promises Corbett.
Fortunately for them all, the doctor's skill had carried the day. A mere nine
hours after the procedure and Bray was already showing renewed strength, as were
the other four Gorn they had treated. The day's heroine, Kiska, was sleeping
comfortably under the miracle drugs of 23rd Century medicine.
Exhausted, Sean had just minutes before woken from a nap when Lowel's call came
down. The sight of Nguyen's rescue party filled his heart with an indescribable
hope. Perhaps the Metrons had ended their disruption of the away team's
technology. They could get Kiska and the Gorn back to safety and proper
medical facilities.
But as Corbett ran the tricorder through some scans, he found that one more
surprise was left in store for them on the Metron Sphere.
NRPG: Anyone wishing to cause more trouble for our characters this mission,
write now or forever hold your peace. Personally, I'd like to see Zade and
Corbett hook up.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
Sent from my iPod