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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Repercussions & Decisions - JP==
===by Brian V. Mansur and Lena Rose===
SD 2262.054
MD 2.2115
Scene: Metron Sphere
Kiska's POV
Kiska Saxman felt slightly dizzy as Sean Merrick gently lifted her and slowly
headed to the lab area. In that moment Kiska realized that things had happened
so quickly that she never had a chance to reflect on any of it. And the day
wasn’t even over.
She began to shake from head to toe. Her brain felt like it was overloading on
all the recent events. Her mind screamed, "You were almost murdered by a Gorn!"
Her psyche demanded that she flee but her body couldn’t respond even if she
had wanted it to. The only thing she found she could do was tighten the hold of
her draped arms around Merrick’s neck.
Sean felt Kiska trembling as he carried her. He looked into her face and he saw
her lips and teeth had begun to chatter as if she were freezing. He forced a
smile, squeezed her into him, and softly whispered, “It’s okay. I have you.
You're safe now.”
Her ice-blue eyes stared back into his, searching for reassurance that his
statement was true. “You trust me?” he asked. She swallowed, took a deep
breath and could only nod an affirmative. Then she buried her face into his
chest. The masculine scent on his shirt began to sooth her. Despite the fact
that none of them had taken a shower for more than a day, she thought he smelled
wonderful. Eventually, through his loving smile, firm grip, and tender words,
she was no longer shaking by the time he laid her down on a palate at the lab.
Sean's POV
Inside, Sean was a roiling mess of anxiety. He had come within an inch of losing
this lovely woman to a freak attack. It seemed the universe was out to kill all
the pretty girls he met, Jeri being the most obvious.
But oddly enough, it wasn't his dead ex's face that hovered in his mind just
then. He kept seeing that asian girl's terror stricken look in the ground car
on Monil IV. The darling little communications yeoman, whom he only knew in
passing really, had died right in front of him from dissident gunfire. Her
almond eyes had haunted both his dreams and waking thoughts for weeks afterward.
Now, carrying Kiska, he felt threatened by that same sense of helplessness he
had endured on and after the Monil mission.
It didn't help that the danger to Kiska was not yet really over. He had only
been able to affirm her safety with honesty because she *could* say no to the
risky operation needed to extract the Gorn's cure. But, he knew she would do it
and that scared him. He wanted to see her happy. He wanted to get to know this
delightful, energetic, kind young woman. He wanted to love her, laugh with her,
and drink up life with her. If she did the noble thing and submitted to the
operation, no one could guarantee that she would live out the next 72 hours.
Presently Corbett began outlining to the group what he had in mind. Sean, who
had not left Kiska's side, felt her reach for his hand and grip it tightly.
Again she was trembling, almost as badly as before. She stared at him, a look
of desperate fear etching her graceful features. Her ice blues seemed to be
asking, "What should I do?" Sean forced a reassuring smile for her that he did
not at all feel.
"About what I told you earlier," he said. "I was wrong. *This* will be the
most important thing you have done and may ever do. Not just in your career but
in your life. No one will blame you if you refuse and if they do, they can talk
to me. But whatever you choose, you know you have to decide quickly."
Kiska's POV
Kiska glanced furtively from Sean to Steele and finally to Bray. The large
matronly Gorn kept silent. After what the alien executive officer had done,
Kiska supposed honor would not allow Bray to speak. But Kiska couldn't help
imagining what the creature must be going through. Her very life hinged on
Kiska's next words. She thought too of the sentient lizards laying down several
dozen feet away on their own palates. If Bray and the others were anything like
her, they were very afraid. They would be afraid for themselves and any loved
ones they might leave behind. She didn't want that for them.
Kiska looked back to Sean's handsome, patiently smiling face. She wanted to
please him. But she was so scared of dying. There was so much more she wanted
to do in life. So many things she wanted to do with him.
Then she remembered how he had offered himself to the Metrons without
hesitation. Despite what he had said about not judging her, how could he not be
disappointed with her if she said no?
Sean's POV
Kiska pushed herself up to a sitting position. Alarmed, Sean moved to put a
hand at her back and lifted her unsteadily up. She stared deeply into his eyes
for several seconds. He felt her conflict, the same war of emotions inside
himself: the desire to help battling the urge to run away. Which would she
She put her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. He felt her sharp
intake of breath followed by a shuddering exhale. She was crying silently. In
a broken whimper she said to him, "I'll do it." Then regaining control of
herself, she sniffed and said more firmly so that everyone could hear, "I'll do
Sean did not trust himself to let her see his face then. It was the answer he
feared she would make and he, by necessity, had helped drive her to it. If she
died from it, he did not know how he would live with himself.
"I'll stay right here with you the entire time," he promised. She touched his
cheek with her hand, and lay back down onto his lap.
"Thank you," she whispered and shut her eyes.
Respectfully Submitted Jointly,
Lena Rose
LTjg Kiska Saxman
Nurse, USS HOOD, NCC-1703
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
NRPG: Almost there. 2-3 more posts and that'll be a wrap for this mission.
We'll have to write some explanation of the goings on with the WAYFARER
derelict. Maybe the Metrons didn't like the trader and blew him up. Maybe
another Gorn got him.

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