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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Player One==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.331
Scene: Global Exports Office
M'Lara stood in the doorway and looked at her mate in disgust.  It was barely two in the afternoon and he leaned on his desk snoring loudly, empty bottles of bloodwine strewn throughout the room.  It was bad enough that she had been mated to this petaQ, worse still that her illustrious husband had managed to fail in ever task he had given and thus leading to his current assignment on this hell hole.  Worst of all he had been given a chance to redeem himself and she already knew he would fail.  Just as he always did.
"Husband wake up."  She said in an almost pleasant voice  "Husband!  Wake Up!"  This time he stirred.  But then the snoring got louder.  With a litany of curses she strode across the room.  "Wake up now!"  Two fists came slamming down on the desk causing her husband's head to bounce up and then crash back down. 
"What time is it?"  He asked groggily.
"Time for you to get your filthy carcass up and begin to pretend you are a male."
K'Temec of the house of D'jon jumped up from his desk with a roar.  "you forget your place woman!"
"Better."  She sneered as she tossed a PADD on to the desk.  "It would seem you have work to do."
More pre mission groundwork
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Player Two==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260. 331
Scene: Romulan Scout Ship
Centurion llhran Kola cursed the god for at least the fourth time in an hour as he willed his small one man ship to go faster.  His assignment had been to monitor Fveirrolh Sahen and he had spent the last year watching the scientist.  It was clear Sahen was only playing the part of the loyal Romulan and Kola had watched patiently as the scientist began to exhibit his inner thoughts.  First, he began to display his less then enthusiastic sentiments for the Empire to several of his colleagues (one of which was a intelligence operative) at the institute.  Next he began a relationship with a member of the anti-government underground.  The man was clearly trying to recruit Sahen and Sahen was just as obviously intrigued with the idea. 
Eventually, after much ego stroking, Sahen joined the local underground movement.  For several weeks he was content to come to meetings and listen to the diatribe the leaders spewed forth.  As he became more comfortable he began to join in and then dominate the discussions.  Within 6 months he was leading his own cell and was actively, and successful, increasing recruitment.
This was something that could no longer be ignored.  Centurion Kola was issued orders to round up the leaders of the local cells as well as any other members he felt posed a danger to the government.  The operation went off with only a single failure.  Fveirrolh Sahen had not been at the meeting and had evaded arrest.  Not only was the failure to capture the most important leaders a stain on his perfect record Kola could not believe that Sahen’s disappearance was a simple coincidence.  What had seemed to be nothing more then a nuisance was now potentially much more especially given the programs that Sahen had not only spear-headed but had access to.  It had not taken long to discover that the traitor had left the planet and Kola knew that if he did not arrest Sahen and return him to Romulus before his superiors found out he would be branded either complicit with the traitors or simply incompetent.  It did not matter which, for and intelligence officer the penalty was the same.
He cursed the gods again.
More mission groundwork.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Formulating a Plan==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.331
Scene: Global Export Office
K’Temec stared down at the PADD his wife had thrown in front of him and steered at the Romulan face that stared back at him.  Another assassination he assumed as he pulled the red datachip from the PADD and inserted into his computer.  As the resident intelligence officer representing the Empire on the planet Arcturus he regularily sent back what information he could glean on this pathetic world.  On occasion he would receive and order to quietly kill someone.  Generally that was some digusting merchant who’s goods had not been what were promised or a Klingon mercenary who had come to here after annoying the wrong person.  He had never been ordered to kill someone from one of the Empire’s deadly enemies.  He scratched at his chin thoughtfully as he waited for his computer to power up.
Finally the brief but shocking orders flashed across the screen.  Not an assassination but a kidnapping.  He leaned back in his chair and considering the implications.  This was a real mission, one that was being watching by Council Members no doubt.  A mission that, if successful, would save him from this dreary world where he had been banished so many years ago.
So a Romulan traitor was coming here?  He looked back at the image of Sahen with a predatory grin.  Decided to escape the paranoid and repressive Empire to throw his lot in with the weak willed Federation.  He chuckled at the notion knowing what all Klingons did, you could never trust a Romulan. 
He would have to think on this.  Dozens of ships arrived and departed here every day, how was he determine which ship his quarry was on?  Next, how would he capture him?  Surely the Federation knew he was coming.  They of course would want to welcome this Sahen into their fold.  But they would not want to do so openly and possibly escalate the cool relations they had Romulus.  No they would send operatives to quietly snatch this traitor.  He would have to find the Romulan before they did.  But that was a problem he could see know answer.  He frowned at the thought knowing he would have to ask his wife.  As infuriating as she was he had no illusions as to which of the two was the smarter. 
But first he would call his Romulan counterpart.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Player Three Out==
===by Andy Catterick===
Scene: The Tavern Laughing Vulcan
K’Temec scowled at his tankard as he waited for Pilo the sole Romulan intelligence officer.  Many star nations had sent intelligence operatives here and likehim self none of them had been assigned to this paradise as a reward.  No, those who had been unofficially exiled here had been sent due to their incompetence, or in recognition of their failures.  Pilo was no difference in this sense and K’Temec was glad for it.  Over the years they had all come to know one another.  What started off as a mutual mistrust had slowly formed into a group recognition that they were al in the same boat.  Overtime they began to keep in regular contact passing on information to each other which could then be sent home as proof that they were all being good little spies.  It was easier for all.  Nothing of consequence ever happened on this god forsaken rock and all knew that no one would betray their homeworlds.  It was a system that served them all.
Tonight it would serve K’Temec just as it would pass judgement on Pilo. 
Finally, the Klingon thought, as the Romulan entered the small tavern and headed to meet K’Temec at their customary table in the back corner.  Pilo, he was pleased to see, was drunk as he usually was.  That would make things so much easier.
“nuqneH.”  Jilo said in greeting as he sat down.
“Jolantru.”  The Klingon replied.  “I have information.  I am sure you must know it already but I wanted to make sure.”
“What type of information.”  The Romulan answered after the waitress had put his usual drink in front of him. 
“Of the traitor.” 
“What traitor?”  Pilo asked. 
K’Temec hid a smile.  If Pilo had known he would have of course denied the knowledge.  There was only so much information that they shared.  “The Romulan traitor who is racing here as we speak.”
Pilo blinked over his glass before he took a sip. He was deep in thought at the Klingon’s story he did not notice the taste was strangely sweet.  “I can not speak of such things.”  He finally replied.
K’Temec emptied his tankard and laughed.  “Good!  As I said I had assumed you would have been informed of this by your government.  I offer my assistance to you to capture the disgusting filth.  Qaplaa!”  He said as he rose from the table and stode out of the tavern. Soon the waitress would be found dead and soon after the poison she had slipped into Pilo’s drink would take affect.  Then he would be the only one who would know this traitor was coming.  What secrets could he provide the Empire?  Surely they would be enough to get K’Temec home.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Out for Good==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.331
Scene: Outside the Laughing Vulcan
Pilo left the Laughing Vulcan in a panic.  He had no knowledge of what the stinking Klingon had told him.  None.  He had received the latest intelligence update from the home world just this afternoon.  Even the ‘housekeeping’ reports pertaining to him and Arcturus had not hinted at this. 
He stopped and stared as the reason worked its way through the alcohol that was clouding his mind.  They hadn’t told him on purpose.  A traitor was heading this way and his superiors held him in such disdain that not only did they fail to send orders for him to intercept and arrest this traitor they had not even bothered to tell them that an operation involving his area of responsibility was being conducted
And the Klingon knew!  The filthy beast.  That was the worst dishonour of them all.  He knew and he felt suck pity for his ‘Romulan friend’ he passed on the information.  Pilo came to a halt and sat on a bench over looking the river.  The alcohol was affecting more then usual and he had to stop and think.  Why had the Klingon told him?  It was surely not out of any great altruism, professional courtesy even here on this travesty of a world, did not go this far.  No!  He realized, the Klingon was looking for information.  K’Temec wanted to know what information, if any, Pilo had.  But if he had been on a, what did the humans call, fishing expedition?  Why then did he tell him in the end?
“Oh!” Pilo moaned both in realization of what the Klingon had done and in response to the pain of his stomach dissolving away.  His last thought before he fell to his knees and then rolled down the embankment into the river below was that finally he was free.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703