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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: There’s Always a Catch When You Sell Your Soul==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.333
~~Alley Behind The Olympus Garden~~
Corbett and Merrick exited Fat Mickey’s club and waited for ARr'Rhiana to join them.
<<Snip From Dave’s Post “little kitten, big cat”
A few inutes later the door in the back alley opened up and Hemux was tossed out by Markin and two other big guys. Markin grinned as he hold a Orion girl from using her teeth and nails on Hemux "I believe she is yours? Isn't she a bit old for you, Corbett? If you ever get tired of this one, I am sure Mickey will want to pay a good prize for her. With a little education she will be the top of the bill."
Hemux snarled at Marick "I would not want to work in that joint for all the Latinum of the universe. And keep that kitten away from me before I teach her what a Denobulan can do with her teeth and nails!" With those words she blew up her head twice as big as usual to the Orion girl.
The Orion girl, Alia stared at Corbett "You will pay for this Corbett, leaving me was already bad enough, but showing up with her, and both sneaking out by Mickey’s backdoor! I hate you, I will make you pay for this!"
With those words he rushed back inside the door. Marick just grinned and nodded once more to Corbett, then pulled the door behind him, leaving the three in a dark alley...
Ignoring Sean she turned to Corbett and said with a voice that was colder than an Andorian blizzard "Since all fun is over now, why not go where we should be going, Corbett sweetie..."
End Snip>>
“I trust you had a memorable time ARr'Rhiana?” Corbett asked ignoring the icy glare she gave him.
“Very much so, since the staff and other patrons where so friendly and polite, it was a shame to leave.” She answered sarcastically.
“Alas all good things must end I’m afraid.” Corbett said to her then stepped off into the alleyway. It was never a good thing to be on the bad side of a Denobulan. He’d have to find a way to make it up to her.
The three made their way to the subway station in silence through the convoluted network of alleys. Several times Corbett made them double back to make sure they weren’t being followed. It took several minutes before they were at the subway station stairs.
“Sean, you and ARr'Rhiana busy yourselves in this area for a few minutes as I have some business to attend to.” Corbett said. “And ARr'Rhiana please don’t hurt anyone while I’m gone.”
“What business?” Merrick asked.
ARr'Rhiana just broke out in a wide smile that Corbett understood was tantamount to receiving the middle finger from an Earther.
“My accountant is three blocks away.” Corbett said. “And as I don’t trust the Fat Orion as far as I can throw him I’m making sure the transaction only goes through on my say so.”
“Thirty minutes Stile that’s all we can afford at this point.”
“Fair enough Sean. If I’m not back in that time head to the construction space port and see what you can find.” With that said Corbett left his companions at the descending stairs to the subway terminal and made his way to a shabby tenement building 3 blocks away. It always surprised him in this day and age that there were still such buildings standing, but he knew that the humanitarian philosophy of Earth hadn’t fully made its way here yet.
~~Tenement Sea of Nectar~~
Entering the building he took the stairs to a second floor apartment and knocked on the door four times in rapid succession and then twice more.
“Who’s there?” asked a squeaky voice.
“Corbett.” He said.
“How do I know it’s you?” The squeaky voice asked.
“Because sar the camera you have placed in the ceiling tile is aimed directly at me.”
Corbett heard a low buzz and a click as the door locks disengaged. Entering the room was like walking into a disheveled computer workshop with parts strew carelessly over long metal shelves and monitors displaying rapidly moving streams of data.
“I thought the Vulcan’s had you.”The squeaky voice said from an intercom.
“That was a long time ago.” Corbett said as he pushed a group of circuit boards from an arm chair and sat down. “Are you going to hide all day in your panic room Joseph, or do you think you might poke your greasy head out so we can conduct some business.”
Corbett watched as a metal door in the back of the room swung open and the man entered the room. The dim lighting made the man’s pale skin appear almost translucent. Joseph Reets was stereotypical of his breed. He was of medium height and scrawny build with little interest in hygiene. The fact that his matted and greasy black hair covered one of the greatest computer minds in the galaxy would have been lost on most. Corbett had treated the man for electrical burns a few years ago when he was moonlighting at the free clinic here. Since then Reets had been instrumental in facilitating many banking transactions that Corbett needed to keep secret.
“I see showering is still not high on your priority list, eh Joseph.”
“Don’t call me Joseph, I go by Stones now.” The man said
“Well then Stones,” Corbett said trying to suppress an escaping laugh. “I am in need of your expertise.”
Stones focused a hard stare at Corbett then smiled and asked. “Alright doc what bookie do you need to pay?”
“It’s a bit more complicated than that sar.” Corbett said.
“How much more complicated?”
“I have just had several thousand credits transferred to Fat Mickey’s account in the last thirty minutes and I need you to put a hold on the funds.”
“You want me to do what? Transferring money for you secretly is one thing, but what you’re asking is a one-way ticket an early grave.”
“I’m sorry Stones if I made the mistake in assuming you weren’t up to this challenge.”
Stones looked at the doctor his eyes narrowing. “I could hack that system in less than 5 minutes, believe me it’s not a challenge.”
“Then please do so.” Corbett said. “
“I’ll need both account numbers it.” Joseph answered.
“Here,” Corbett said as he entered the data into the computer.
A moment later Stones sat back in his chair and smiled. “Done, but you owe me big for this.”
“One last thing.” Corbett said as he picked up a small banking data transfer device he noticed on the side table. “Can this be rigged to remove the hold on the account any time I wish?”
“Sure just enter the account numbers again and I’ll tie it in; however you’ll need to be in front of a computer to interface it.”
“Thank you I will be.” Corbett said as he took the transfer device from Stones then retrieved the pistol from under his shirt. “I am sorry about this Joseph.”
“No wait don’t shoot me I did what you asked.” Stones pleaded.
“You did a very nice job and for that I thank you sar.” Corbett said as he cocked the hammer of his pistol and pulled the trigger.
Stones fell to the floor as sparks flew and the terminal flamed, it was dead. “Why would you do that?” Stones asked looking at the remains of his computer.
“Because that information is private and one such as yourself couldn’t resist the temptation to pull it up later and embezzle just a bit.” Corbett said heading toward the door. “I am saving you from yourself sar.”
“That terminal took me a long time to build and you destroyed it completely.” Stones shouted.
Corbett turned toward the man and said. “Take 5,000 credits from my personal betting account, the one you have access to. It should more than cover that piece of junk I destroyed, as well as this transfer device and your skillful services.”
“You bet I will Corbett.” Stones yelled as he tried to put out the fire.
“Do be careful sar, as I will monitor my account and if more than 5,000 credits goes missing I will be back.” Corbett said as he left the apartment.
~~Subway Train~~
Corbett made it back within the allotted time and took a seat in the back of the train behind where Sean and ARr’Rhiana were seated.
“I take it everything went off ok?” Merrick asked leaning back so Corbett could hear him.
“Splendidly sar.” Corbett said as he pushed his hat to the back of his head. “I received a call from Fat Mickey a few minutes ago and he was delighted to tell me that our chariot awaits us at landing bay 279. He also assured me that it is fully stocked. I guess the hold on his money spurred him into action.”
“You know for a doctor you have a lot of… what is it you humans say. Oh yes, you have a lot of skeletons in your closet.” ARr'Rhiana said warming back up to Corbett.
“Only one closet my dear ARr'Rhiana, try several.”
~~Landing Bay 279~~
The three officers made their way to what looked more like a yacht than a construction materials hauler.
“You sure know how to treat a girl to luxury travel, Stile sweetie.” ARr'Rhiana said.
“Only the best.” Corbett said as he watched a Tellarite exit the ship and head straight for him.
“I’m Grag the captain of this ship.” The Tellarite said then added. “Fat Mickey said you are going to Arcturus.”
“That is correct sar.” Corbett answered casually.
“Well hurry up and board, I haven’t got all day and I have a schedule to keep.”
“My apologies to your schedule my porcine friend, but we’ll need check your cargo hold before we go anywhere.”
“Yeah the Fat Orion said you would. You have 15 minutes before we leave so have at it.” The Tellarite said then walked back into the ship.
“Sean, ARr'Rhiana you heard the man it’s time to check the cargo hold.” Corbett said as he followed the Tellarite into the ship.
It only took a few minutes for them to check the weapons and make sure they were indeed fully loaded and fully functional.
“I’d say we’re ready.” Merrick quipped. “The weapons are good and the ship seems sturdy.”
“Well then I’d say you and ARr'Rhiana should make yourselves comfortable while I finish the transaction with Fat Mickey.”
Corbett plugged into the computer terminal and removed the hold on the transfer of funds to Fat Mickey. That being done he dialed into the Fat Orions private office line.
“I see the money has gone through.” Fat Mickey said.
“Yes as everything is acceptable I thought it only fitting. I do hope there are no hard feelings sar.” Corbett replied.
“None at all doctor, I like you because you bargain like one of us. I would have done the same.” Fat Mickey soothed.
Corbett didn’t like this one bit. The Fat Orion was up to something. The fact that he didn’t even add an up-charge for the delay was troubling.
“You are very gracious Mickey.” Corbett said guardedly.
“Not at all my dear boy, as I said you are an Orion at heart and because of that I want you to travel like an Orion.”
“Precisely what does that mean?” Corbett asked his every sense screaming that trouble was about to erupt.
“You’re an Orion on an Orion yacht. We never go anywhere without a slave to serve us.” Fat Mickey said as an enormous foul laugh shook his bulk.
“How can I serve you master?” Alia asked as she came from the back sleeping quarters.
“Surprise Stile, enjoy.” Fat Mickey shouted with glee and then terminated the call.
Hmmm I wonder what’s worse riding coach with an obnoxious child and a fat woman, or first class with a sexy Orion slave. I’ll ponder that while I’m sipping tequila in my plush, roomy lounge chair.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Living the Life==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Living the Life==