ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Hurry Up and Wait==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.338
Scene: The Laughing Vulcan Tavern, New Detroit
Jack leaned back in his chair and surveyed the lounge.  Just down the street from the small motel that he had rented a small room in it was your stereotypical seedy bar.  At least it smelt much better then the small quarters he had procured.  But it was near the space port and close to what passed for public transport in this section of the city.  It was also cheap, somewhat clean and near enough to the ‘good’ part of town that they would be relatively safe.  The term safe, he thought with a mental grimace, was extremely subjective.
He looked out across the room in complete fascination.  As a Starfleet officer he was used to interacting with many different races, including several that weren’t humanoid.  But it was nothing compared to this.  At least a third of the beings in the room were a species he hadn’t know existed until he had walked in here.  As far as he could tell he was the only human in the room and he was surprised at how uncomfortable he felt by that fact.  It had long been claimed by its detractors that the Federation in general and Starfleet specifically were Earthcentric.  Jack had always dismissed these claims but now sitting here he was uncomfortably aware of the fact that he didn’t see one species here that was represented on HOOD.  Additionally, he was forced to admit HOOD’s complement was in fact heavily Terran.
He looked over to the door as the bright sunlight briefly invaded the smokey darkness of the lounge.  Gar paused briefly as he waited for his eyes to adjust to the change and then to locate Jack.  He strode over pausing briefly at the bar to get himself a drink.
“Any luck?”  Jack asked as Gar took his seat.
The Andorian shook his head.  “Nothing, if our friends have arrived they haven’t saw fit to let us know.”
Jack frowned over his ale.  The plan had been to access the city’s help wanted database.  The first team to arrive submitted a bogus entry into the database.  The second team was to reply to the add with a prearranged name and list a location or comm channel they could be reached at.  He knew they still had two days before their target was to arrive.  And, and he tried to convince himself, his team had made good time.  But he would still feel better once he knew they had arrived.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Foreboding Unwelcome==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Foreboding Unwelcome==