ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Allies out of Necessity==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.340
Scene: Global Exports Office
M'Lara stood in the doorway and looked at her mate in disgust. She seemed to be doing it more often lately.  The taste of liberation from this purgatory was getting stronger as was her conviction not to let the imbecile that was her husband destroy the opportunity.  “What are you doing my husband?”
“I am filing a report.”  He grunted.
Did this man have no brains, she asked herself for the 1000th time.  “A report to who?  About what?”
“To my superiors about the Romulan traitor.”  He answered in a voice that said go away.
“Did you catch the Romulan already.”  She began to look around the office.  “Is he hidden here somewhere?”  She continued around the room.  “Perhaps he is cloaked?”
K'Temec did his best not to jump over the desk and remind her that he was in fact master of this house.  But he couldn’t, he needed her and they both knew it.  He must have done something wrong and as much as it pained him to admit it if she saw something wrong it must have happened.  And, his thoughts continued, half the reason he was writing this report was to procrastinate.  The truth was he did not have the first idea on how to proceed.  “I tire of your games wife.  We both know you are the better of us at politics,” he sneered at the dirty word, “tell me what I have done.”
She almost took pity on him.  “What will happen to you if you send a report to your so-called superiors and then you do not capture this targ?”
It took him a few seconds but eventually realization flashed across his face.  “I will save this report until after I have the petaQ in chains!”
M’lara nodded.  “But you will not send it even then.  You will hand the report to your superior as you drag the Romulan into his office.”
K’Temec pictured the look on the face of his superior as he showed up unannounced with the Romulan scientist.  They might not write songs about his exploits but he would certainly be able to request a transfer and demand a promotion.  But still one thought clouded his desires.  “M’lara.”  He began in a voice he had not used with her in a long time.  “I have operatives at all the major spaceports watching.  But I do not trust them to be vigilant and I can not be at all places at all times.”  He ignored the fact that instead of lurking in the most likely port he was sitting in his office.  “I do not know how else to prepare.  This spy could arrive at any time, it would be better if I knew when.  The where is already troublesome enough.” He admitted.
This time M’lara did feel pity for this fool.  “Husband you have access to the defensenet?” 
“Access the net.  It records all ships coming across the neutral zone from Romulan space.  There will be ships but not many.  Those are the ships we must watch.  We may even be able to narrow the list down to a few.”
There was a long silence between them.  Finally K’Temec broke it.  “I will need your help.”
She smiled.  “Of course my husband.” 
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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ASR Origins
ASR Origins

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Back to the Room==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Back to the Room==