ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Winter Wonderland==
===by Lena Rose===
SD: 2260.341
Location: Starbase 10
One of the great advantages of staying on a Starbase, was not having to share a
room. She loved having a room all to herself, but she wasn't use to the silence
and there was something else missing. And then she realized what it was; there
wasn't that slight humming beneath her feet that one felt while traveling on a
Kiska Saxman brushed her sleek long black hair and then French braided all the
way down her back. She preferred this style when she was going to be doing
extreme winter games. It kept her hair out of her face and from getting all
tangle and ratted.
The door to her quarters bleeped. "Coming!" she shouted as she grabbed her artic
jacket and greeted Claudia waiting on the other side of her door.
"Ready?" smiled Kiska excited to share her love of Alaska with her friend.
"Ready as I'll ever be!" exclaimed Claudia who was already dressed in Artic gear
from head to toe.
The two officers headed to the Starbase's Holodecks. Upon their arrival Kiska
slipped in a disc and punched in a code. The doors opened to a glorious ice
"This is next to the best thing a Starbase has." Smiled Kiska as she stepped
further in the Winter Wonderland.
At first Claudia was too much in awe to say anything but her eyes revealed how
she felt about the beautiful scenery before them.
"Come on!" shouted Kiska as she straddled the parked Artic Snowmachine. "Don't
just stand there! Next time I'll teach you how to drive one but for now you'll
ride with me."
As Claudia got on, Kiska started up the machine and shouted for Claudia to put
on her helmet. Within a matter of seconds the two women where ripping thru the
snow leaving behind billowing snow clouds behind them.
<NRPG - Decided not to jump in on the mission since I will be going on a long
leave of absense this month.
Respectfully Submitted,
By Lena Rose
LTjg Kiska Saxman