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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Helping Hand==
===Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.349
MD: 2.1535
Setting: Motel Room
<<snip- from Andy's post, entitled "Special Delivery?">>
Gar reached down and picked up the pictures. "We have a stalker." He said
as he flipped through them before handing them over to Jack and John. There
was a picture of the three of them getting off the starliner, one of them
walking through the port, DeSimms purchasing the weapons, Jack and Gar
sitting in the Laughing Vulcan.
Jack unfolded a piece of paper, the only other content of the envelope. At
the top was written 'Try Harder!' below it was what looked to be some
computer addresses and authorization codes with the words Klingon Defence
Net underlined several times. He handed the paper over to the Andorian.
"What do you make of this?"
"Someone wants to give us a hand?"
"Maybe. Or someone toying with us, letting us know we are out of our
league." He sighed. "I think we may have some competition."
<<snip- new material>>
Gar harrumphed. "Well, if that's the case, then it's not the Am-Tal," he
Steele raised an eyebrow in inquiry.
The Andorian engineer shook his head. "Because an Am-Tal operative would
not be so arrogant- not before his mission was through, anyway. The
operative would simply carry out the mission, and maybe, if it didn't
interfere with anything else, gloat a little afterwards. But until the
mission was finished..." He let the statement trail off.
DeSimms walked over, heavy rifle in hand. "You're still assuming that
Doctor Sahen has something to hide- a murderous past, a heinous talent."
DeSimms paused as Gar acknowledged his thought. "What if Sahen has
something to OFFER the Federation?"
Gar thought about John's point. "That changes things," he admitted.
Then, he looked back at the Captain. "But only so far as that it means the
Am-Tal might not even be involved in this. If Sahen has something of
possible benefit to the Federation, then why would the Am-Tal even bother?
This is a Federation matter, not for Andoria's own security. No- I still
think this means we aren't looking at Am-Tal involvement."
Suddenly, a 4th voice broke in. "Don't be too sure about that, Mr.
All three whirled around to face the door again, only to see a statuesque
Andorian woman quietly closing the door behind her. As she turned to face
the three Starfleet officers again, her ice-blue eyes seemed to sparkle to
Gar in their defiance. "And don't underestimate Andoria's dedication and
commitment to the Federation, either."
She turned to meet Steele's stare. "I am Avae Zh'sharav, Andorian
Security," she said, bowing slightly, her long, white hair swaying as she
"Jack Steele," he said. The, nodding across the room. "That's John
DeSimms, and Gar Th'elenth."
She met Gar's gaze again. "The Elenth clan is most highly respected, Gar,"
she said, bowing again.
"As is the Sharav clan," Gar replied, a hint of a curl tugging at the
corners of his lips.
Steele interrupted the two of them. "What are you doing here?" Steele
asked, his tone clipped and terse.
"I am here to help you, Captain," she replied, her own tone soft, airy.
"I think he meant 'what are you doing on Arcturus?'- considering it is not
within the normal operational sphere of the Am-Tal," he said, stepping
closer to Avae.
"No, it is not," she said. "And I can't tell you why I'm here because I
don't know- other than that I was tasked with seeing that you got Doctor
Sahen off-planet safely and quickly."
"We already HAVE help," DeSimms quipped. "And I wasn't aware that we needed
any more."
Avae turned to the Security man and, though her tone remained airy and
melodic, her expression was one of ice. "If you are referring to the other
three members of the HOOD's senior staff, they will be here in a few hours.
However, both parties have managed to attract enough 'unwanted attention' to
alert the wrong people. I am here to see that this 'attention' goes away-
or, failing that, that it does no harm to you or your 'package.'"
"Then this is YOUR doing?" Steele said, holding up the pictures and the
Zh'sharav nodded. "Yes. I had intended to simply try and shock you into
focusing, but it's too late for that now. Forces are moving against you-
KLINGON forces- and you will need my help."
There was a long moment of silence, until Gar broke it. "What exactly is
Doctor Sahen's importance, and why would the Klingons want him?"
Avae turned to face Gar. "That, Commander, I do NOT know." She paused,
then added, "It is, however, in our best interests to find out- preferably
BEFORE he arrives."
"And that will be--" Steele asked.
"Just after your friends get here," she replied, "IF my intelligence is
They looked a round to one another. Then, Steele said, "It seems we have a
new friend- AND a lot of work to do."
MD 2.1535- Gar, Jack and John meet Avae Zh'sharav, an Am Tal operative who
claims to be there to help them.
Just pushing this forward some. Hope it's OK. :)
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Avae Zh'sharav
Am-Tal Operative