ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Apologies==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.355
Scene: Deck F, USS HOOD
“Now what does he frakkin want?”  Kim Steering swore as she heard Commander Compass’ hail echo through HOOD’s empty corridors.  She’d just been about to open an access hatch intent on causing a bit of mayhem for the Starbase Engineering team and she really didn’t want to get stopped while she still had the nerve.  It would be easy to ignore the call from that arrogant bastard but the officer in her just couldn’t do it. With a sigh she moved down the corridor and hit the comm button. “Steering here.”
[Where are you lieutenant?]
“Deck F, section 3 junction 28.” 
[I’m on my way.]
“Great!”  She muttered after the channel closed. 
At least she didn’t have to wait long before the bright red turbolift doors at the end of the corridor swished open and Compass strode purposefully out.  He looked like he was on a mission and she steeled herself against any eventuality.  If he came up with something stupid she’d try to talk her way out of it.  But worse comes to worst she’d disobey the order and take her chances with the captain.
“Lieutenant Steering,” he began formally.  “I owe you an apology and I am here to make good on that.”
“Sir?” She asked confused. 
“The email I sent you was unconscionable.  It was the product of panic and ego run amuck.  I was trying to play captain while you were trying to do what was best for the ship.  That meant trying to force me to get off my lazy ass and stop letting the engineering crew push me around.  I didn’t want to do it and when you rightly backed me into a corner I lashed out at you instead of doing my duty.  I want you to know that when you take this matter to the captain I will of course admit to my failings and let him know any problems with the ship are due to my inaction and obstruction of your efforts.”
“I see.”  Kim said shocked at what Compass had just told her.  It was not what she had been expected at all.  “What do you plan to do now sir?”
Compass started walked down the corridor and back into the turbolift with Steering by his side.  “I tried to get the team to stop adjusting the systems but I’m afraid they won’t listen to me.  The only official way to stop them is to send orders through the starbase.”  He sighed.  “I’m sure any of the senior officers would be listened to immediately but they just aren’t taking me seriously.  And given the way I acted for the first few days I can’t say I blame them.”
“What are we doing here?”  Kim asked as they entered Auxiliary Control. 
Compass powered up the viewscreen and instructed the computer to show a view of main engineering.  As soon as the video came up the monitor focused on the engineering team who were setting up their equipment near the main board.  “Compass to bridge.”
[Bridge here.]
“Ready Mr. Marconi?”
[Yes sir.] Marconi replied with a laugh.  [Just give me the word commander.]
“Do it.”
Half a second later the Red Alert klaxon went off across the ship including Main Engineering causing the Starbase team, who had little if any experience with such an alarm, almost jumped out of their skins.  “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!  Counter measures to be activated in 30 seconds.  I repeat countermeasures to be activated in 30 seconds.  All personnel report immediately to safe zones.”
It took all of ten seconds before the team leader was on the comm demanding to speak with Compass.
“Commander Compass here.”
[What is the meaning of this?  Turn the damn alarms off immediately my people have work to do.]
“Sorry commander I’ve scheduled an intruder alert drill to test ship systems I’m afraid Engineering is about to be flooded with anestizine gas.”
[That’s preposterous.  We’re working down here!]
“I looked over the work orders diligently and main engineering was not on the original list.  You’ll be relieved to know I’ve been careful to keep your scheduled work areas free of the gas.  I believe the closest one is the Recreation Deck.  If you hurry there you should miss the bulk of the gas.  Commander Compass out.”
Kim simply stared at Compass for several seconds as she took in all that had just transpired.  Finally she smiled and stuck out her hand.  “Apology accepted.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Good Luck for a Change==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Good Luck for a Change==