ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Falling Apart==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.355
Scene; Universal Exports, Arcturus.
K’Temec tried not to fidget as his wife read through the information on the datapadd he had handed her.  By the time she had finished and had looked up her face held an angry scowl.  Given the length of time she had stared down at the message she must have read it several times.  He was uncertain if that was a good or bad thing.  Finally she spoke.  “Who have you told?”
“No one.”  K’Temec replied, almost biting his tongue to avoid adding, ‘I swear it.’  It was his wife after all, not a superior officer.  Of course he’d never been this scared of a superior officer.  “No one.” He repeated again in answer to her silent stare.
“You didn’t send in any reports to your supervisor?”  She demanded.
“M’lara I have discussed this with no one but you.  I’ve filed no reports.  I do not know how the Council have found out about this and I do not want a ship here to take the lead in this any more then you do.”
The frown on M’Lara’s face grew deeper.  She knew the fool was probably correct.  He was stupid but he wasn’t an imbecile.  “When was the last time you swept the office for listening devices?”
“This morning.”
“Do it again.”  She ordered.  She sat back and sipped her raktajino as she watched him methodically sweep the office.  Ten minutes later he showed her the results.  It was clean.  “Is the equipment in working order?”
“It is.  But it is far from new.  I doubt it would detect anything state-of-the-art.”
“Probably not my husband.  But I don’t think anyone would waste top of the line listening devices on your office.”  She smiled sweetly at him, mocking his importance.  “No our government must have found out the same way the Federation and Kahless knows who else found out.  The Romulan’s apparently can’t keep a secret.”
“What do we do?”
M’Lara was a loyal Klingon, so was her simple husband for that matter.  But if they allowed this Commander Kon to come here and take over the interception of the Romulan defector what little chance they had of doing the jobs themselves and getting off this forsaken world would be gone.  But where they desperate enough to forgo loyalty to the Empire for their own reward?  “I don’t know my husband.  I don’t know.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Suggestions?==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Suggestions?==