ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Good Luck for a Change==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.359
Scene: Romulan Scout Ship
Centurion llhran Kola smiled wickedly as the tractor beam latched on to his ship.  It had been a stroke of good fortune to cross paths with the smuggler ship and he wasn’t about to squander it.  As soon as the ship had shown up on his sensors he dropped from warp, cut all power and sent out a weak auto distress signal.  By the time the ship had pulled along side his small one man scout was tumbling through space looking like it had been adrift for some time.  As his craft was pulled into the larger vessel’s cargo bay he hoped that the signal masking device had fooled their sensors into thinking the ship had been abandoned.  That and that they didn’t have any hand scanners.  His hiding space underneath the deck left him no room for escape if they detected him and if that was the case his clever ploy would likely fail miserably.  His tightened the grip around his disrupter.
Eventually he heard the access hatch open and the swoosh of air rush into the cabin.  The last thing he had done was expel all the small crafts oxygen save for his small hiding spot.  He knew the crew couldn’t be that large but he still needed to take them by surprise.
Ten minutes later and after much stomping about and long conversations in some sort of guttural language he couldn’t understand all things had gone silent.  He waited five more minutes to be sure, but it seemed that they had not discovered him and his desperate plan might work.  Now all he had to do was sneak out of his ship, disable the crew and then plot a course for Arcturus. 
He grimaced at the thought.  It had all seen much simpler an hour ago.
Hi gang, hope you are all enjoying the holidays!
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Game's Afoot==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Game's Afoot==