ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Suggestions?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.359
Scene: Small Hotel Room, New Detroit, Arcturus
“The Am-Tal goes where it is required."  She replied stiffly. "But I concede your point.  However, we are not subject to Starfleet’s orders.  We report directly to the government of Andor.”
“And Andor is subject to the Federation via the Council.”
Zh'sharav nodded.  “Then I would suggest that the Federation leadership has issued several orders to several bodies.  What is the saying you humans have?  The right hand does not know what the left is doing.”
Jack groaned.  “That’s what I was worried about.  Hopefully the party won’t be getting any bigger.”
“Captain, we’ve found something.”  John said as he peered at the screen while Gar’s fingers ran over the keyboard.
“What?” Steele asked as he and the Am-Tal operative moved closer to John and Gar. 
“A few somethings.”  John replied as scrutinized the readout.  Finally he pointed at the small screen.  “This,” he pointed at a red chevron, “is a Klingon warship and she is heading directly to Arcuturus.”
“At full speed.”  Gar interjected.  “She’ll be in orbit within six hours.”
Jack and Zh'sharav traded a look.  “What about our Romulan?” The captain asked.
“Well that’s the interesting part.  We’ve got three ships inbound on a direct course from Romulus. But this one,” He pointed at a small blue circle. “Seems to be marked differently on the Klingon Defence Net.”
“You think it’s our Romulan?”
“Safe bet.”  DeSimms answered.
“Then why don’t they swoop in and capture him.  Save themselves a lot of trouble.”  And us as well Jack thought too himself.
Gar shook his head.  “They won’t be able to intercept before the ship makes orbit.  If it is our Romulan he should be down on the planet a full 30 minutes before the Klingons arrive.”
“That’s our window then.  Alright now all we have to do is figure out how to make sure we’re in the right place at the right time.  Any suggestions?”
Didn’t want to add too much as I am hoping one of you want to run with it.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Tangled Webs==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Tangled Webs==