ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Confession is Good For the Soul==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.364
MD: At the same time as my post entitled "Conundrum"
Setting: Small Hotel Room, New Detroit, Arcturus
Gar and Steele traded uncomfortable glances as they sorted out what they had
learned about Dr. Sahen.
"Why would we be escorting this guy back to the Federation?" Gar asked.
Steele shook his head in disbelief for what felt like the umpteenth time in
the last two hours. "I don't know- you'd have thought we would have learned
out lessons in the Eugenics Wars."
Gar's antennae twitched. "Eugenics Wars?"
Steele shot Gar a raised eyebrow. "Not part of your Academy reading, Gar?"
Th'elenth shrugged. "Who knows? My head was spinning with warp theory and
warp geometry at the time."
The HOOD's captain pulled a chair closer to Gar. "Well, let me give you a
brief history refresher then." He paused for a moment, looking at the
picture of Doctor Sahen on his portacomp, and then continued. "The Eugenics
Wars were fought on Earth, and were in many experts' eyes the precursor to
World War III. They were fought between genetically-engineered 'supermen'
and the rest of the Earth. Eventually, the superhuman despots were
overthrown, but it plunged Earth into a World War as humanity scrambled to
fill the vacuum of power."
Steele nodded. "Yes- genetically enhanced to be 'better' than normal
humans. You know- stronger, smarter, hardier. However, the developers
forgot to take into account some natural developments in the human psyche
that went along with superior ability."
Gar nodded in understanding. "Of course- superior ambition and arrogance."
Steele grinned thinly. "You understand humans better than you think," he
"We're not really all that different in those regards," Gar said. He
paused, then added, "Andorian science toyed with this at one time too.
However, there was too much opposition to the program; most seemed to feel
that the gods had intended for Andorians to be as they were, and that to
alter that unnecessarily was an abomination against nature."
Both froze as Gar said this. "An abomination," Gar hissed.
Steele met his stare. "I think I know why the Am-Tal is here," he said.
"She's going to kill Doctor Sahen to keep him from creating more
'supermen,'" he said. Then, he added, "And she'll kill anyone who stands in
her way."
Steele was lost in thought. "Our problem is bigger than that, Gar," he
murmured as he began to think about the choices ahead of them.
"Moreso than you think," Gar said softly, and Steele turned around at the
change in his tone.
"What do you mean?"
Gar sighed heavily. "I know Avae," he said. I mean I KNOW her."
Here's one for Daniel's post that clarifies a little what Doctor Sahen does
for a living.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer

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