ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Fly in the Ointment==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.365
MD: Immediately after Daniel's "Truth"
Setting: Streets of New Detroit, Arcturus
Avae Zh'sharav winced as she moved quickly down the sidewalk, careful not to
appear rushed and therefore draw attention to her, but at the same time
trying to put as much distance between herself and John DeSimms.
Quickly, she turned a corner, then another, and finally made her way down an
alleyway more within her "comfort zone" inside new Detroit. Once there, she
brought a small communicator up to her mouth.
[[[Did they buy it?]]] a gruff voice asked.
"I think DeSimms did- I couldn't tell," she said, her tones hushed. "He had
a little muscle with him and a hand-held tricorder; I had to feed him SOME
There was a pause. [[[Are you all right?]]]
"Nothing I can't handle," she exaggerated.
Another pause. [[[And Gar?]]]
She thought back to their conversation. "He's torn," she said. "Perhaps
what I told DeSimms will give him the push he needs."
Yet another pause. [[[You do understand what you must do if he DOES
interfere, right?]]]
Avae closed her eyes, though she wasn't sure if it was from the lingering
pain of DeSimms' brutal torture or at the thought of killing Gar. "I
understand," she said.
Suddenly, the line cut off; she placed the small communicator back into a
pocket and, panning her gaze around the alleyway, scurried off to visit a
man named Mac about some documents necessary for interplanetary travel.
Just a short one replying to Daniel's post- Avae's not THAT easy. ;)
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
Avae Zh'sharav
Am-Tal Operative

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Introspection==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Introspection==