ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Whose Side are We On?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.004
Scene: On the outskirts of New Detroit
As they journeyed across the city to rendezvous with Team Two Jack contemplated the revelations of the past few hours.  It seemed entirely unlikely that Starfleet Command was unaware of the work that Sachen had been pursuing and he was more then a little uncomfortable about the ramifications of this mission.  His initial thoughts were concern that Starfleet wanted the information that Sachen possessed.  There had been countless examples throughout Earth history of the powers that be hiding away an enemy’s scientist only to secretly back the program after they had spirited him to their side.  Was this what the Federation was doing?  Hadn’t Humanity learned its lesson in the Eugenics War?  Was there a new Colonel Green lurking somewhere in the admiralty or on the Federation Council?  It was no secret that a large portion of Command and the Council had developed very martial views after the destruction of Vulcan on how the future was going to progress. 
Or was he just being pessimistic?  Perhaps the idea was to capture Sachen before an unfriendly government with less qualms about eugenics and bio weapons did.  That made more sense and was a lot more palatable for him.    But what would he do if the Am-Tal was here to take him out so no one could have him?  Did he let it happen?  Truth be told he had deep concerns about any government, even his own, actively trying to acquire the information the Romulan possessed.  That still didn’t mean he could condone murder he realized.  He would have to do his duty and try to bring in Sachen alive even if it meant opposing the Am-Tal.  He hoped it wouldn’t come to it.  If one of his crew was killed or even the Andorian agent while he defended this scientific ‘genius’ he knew he would never be able to forgive himself.
Fortuanately he was able to tuck those thoughts away as the small vehicle they had ‘borrowed’ came to a a halt at the edge of a large rocky field.  Gar looked back from the driver’s seat.  “I’m picking up their signal approximately 125 meters to the north.”
The all jumped out of the truck.  “Ok lets be quick, no doubt half of New Detroit same them come down.  Lets get them out before someone else does.”
Just a bit of catch up for me after all your New years posts…this should put the two teams together (based on what David wrote).  So I imagine from here we all hop in our truck get over to the spaceport, hop into our liberated spaceport uniforms and wait for the arrival…and see what happens then.
I have no end game idea ie we get him, Romulans recapture him, etc but Steele will, and he expects all of the officers, to do their duty which is try to bring him in.  So no sniper shots to save the Federation from itself…from Starfleet officers anyway J
Unless we want to RP a court martial for our next mission!
One week til Star Trek Online!
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Better to Talk later==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Better to Talk later==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: It's Not Your Father’s Augment==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: It's Not Your Father’s Augment==