ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Confrontation==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.017
Timeframe: After Andy's post "Pieces in Place"
Setting: Maintenance Corridor, New Detroit Spaceport
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth poked his head out around the corner, his
antennae swept forward, acting as miniature animate sensors, enhancing his
sight, hearing and sense of smell all at once. An Andorian's antennae were
really quite sophisticated appendages: they made an Andorian's sight
quadriscopic, heightening depth perception and enhancing reception of color;
they gave an Andorian much greater sensitivity to sound; they gave an
Andorian a sense of smell that rivaled a Terran canine's.
In the direction they pointed.
So, while Andorians were remarkably difficult to hide from, they **were**
susceptible to being caught unawares from behind, as their antennae didn't
point that way.
So it was no surprise- to anyone except Gar, that is- that an agent of the
caliber of Avae Zh'sharav was able to sneak up behind Gar and startle him so
badly he nearly shot the beautiful Am-Tal agent point blank with a phaser on
"You're lucky you're not unconscious," Gar hissed, lowering his phaser.
Avae shrugged. "You wouldn't shoot me," she said, her tone strong,
The HOOD's engineer harrumphed. "Don't count on it," he replied. "We're
not mated."
Most non-Andorians would have taken that comment to be an insult, but in
this case it was a simple statement of fact: mated Andorians protected one
another even more vigorously than other races protect their children, even
above their OWN children or parents.
As such, Avae brushed aside the statement. "Have you given any thought to
our...conversation earlier?"
Gar now turned his entire body to face her. "I have," he said. "And you
know I can't."
Zh'sharav's antennae flattened to her head, much like a cat's ears when
angry- which, ironically, meant the same thing with An Andorian's antennae.
"How can you say that? You KNOW what he is, what kind of information he has
in his brain. We cannot let him live!"
"And that is not a decision for us!" Gar retorted. "That is for a jury to
"Are you so sure that your Council will turn him over to the authorities?"
Gar's brow furrowed, and his antennae twitched. "It's YOUR council too-
remember, Andoria is PART of the Federation, not a rogue planet. And I have
faith this whole operation," he added, gesticulating with his hands, "isn't
simply to bring an amoral man to work for us. I can't believe ANY Federation
group would do that. If I did, I shouldn't be wearing the uniform."
Avae smirked. "In point of fact, you AREN'T wearing the uniform."
Gar shook his head. "Look- all I am going to say is this: I am going to
follow my orders. Either you are going to help us, or not."
Avae met his gaze, and her stance stiffened. "I have my orders too, Gar,"
she said quietly.
At that moment, she brought up a disruptor she had been hiding behind her
back. Gar raised his phaser- perhaps a millisecond late...
...but it mattered not.
A phaser blast came from nowhere, striking Avae square in the back. She
collapsed hard to the floor, her disruptor flying from her hand and landing
at Gar's feet.
Gar grabbed the disruptor; at the same instant, John DeSimms walked out from
around a corner behind the Am-Tal agent.
"Been wanting to do that since this afternoon," the Security man said.
Gar's antennae twitched again, and his brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"
DeSimms looked down at the prone Am-Tal agent. "Agent Zh'sharav and I had a
little 'talk' after the two of you played touchy-feely in the hotel lobby,"
he said.
Gar walked over to Zh'sharav's prone form, looking intently at his former
lover. Then, he met DeSimms' stare, and his eyes burned cold fury; he knew
exactly what kind of "talk" he had had with Avae. "You and I will finish
this later," he said, his antennae swept back flat on his head. "We have a
job to do first- but this isn't over, pinkskin," HOOD's Engineer/Second
Officer growled.
Th'elenth nodded at Avae's body. "Bind her and get her out of here before
someone notices her- put her somewhere she can't get out from and interfere
with us." He paused, and stepped so that he was less than a foot from the
Security man's face, and spoke in tones so cold that it could have frozen
ice. "If she dies, you are going to wish you died as well."
At that, Gar spun on his heels and marched off, hastily turning the corner
and stepping into the spaceport proper before he completely lost control of
his emotions- and his actions.
Just pushing things forward. I wonder what Avae's fate will be here...
Daniel- don't take this personally; our characters have been leading up to
something like this since your torture post. Put Avae where you want, but
please do NOT kill her off. I have plans for her yet.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer/2O

==[ORIGINS] It Can't Be This Easy==
==[ORIGINS] It Can't Be This Easy==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More Speed Now!==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More Speed Now!==