ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] It Can't Be This Easy==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.017
Scene: Freighter in orbit of Arcturus
“We’re here.”  One of the crewman said as a way of breaking into Sachen’s thoughts. 
Sachen tried not to laugh at the useless information.  The fact that the large orange planet filled the viewport had made that bit of news abundantly clear for sometime now.  The Romulan had been staring at the planet since it had become visible.  He knew he would likely only be there for a very brief time but it represented his new home, a new way of life.  Freedom.  He had never seen a free planet before.  It looked like any number of worlds that he had encountered.  But it was also very different.  He couldn’t really explain why that was.  He just knew it to be true.  “What do I do now?”
“We are preparing our shuttle.  In a few minutes you and three of my crew will take the shuttle down to the main space port and we will hand you over to agents of the Federation.  After that you are in their care.”  The last statement clearly sounded like ‘you are their problem.’ This time the Romulan did chuckle.  “Do you know these agents?  Have you worked with them before?  Can I trust them?”  He felt foolish asking these questions.  At this point he had no other options but his nervousness was getting the better of him.
The small alien shook his head.  “No.  Each time it is different, safer that way.”  He shrugged.  “I have a secure communication device that will contact them.  Once we are in the spaceport I will call, they will tell me where they are and we will meet.”  He added matter of factly before handing over the cloak.  “Here put this on.”  When Sachen had pulled the hood over his head he followed his handler down to the shuttle.  It wouldn’t be much longer now.
It looked like any spaceport he had been to in the past save for one very large difference, the multitude of species that milled around its confines.  He had been here barely five minutes and he had already given up trying to count all the races that surrounded him.  He simply could not comprehend the diversity.  And this was a border world, what must one of the Federation Core Worlds be like? 
“I have made contact.”  The lead handler said as he joined the rest.  “Stay close to me.”  He waited for Sachen to nod agreement and then the small party headed out into the bustle of the busy spaceport.
It just didn’t look right.  Jack thought as he looked out into the spaceport.  He nudged Sean and nodded his head toward a small group walking quickly towards another small group.  The scene replayed itself throughout the spaceport but there was just something that didn’t sit right in this example. 
Sean took in the sight and nodded in agreement.  “What do you think?”
“I think our quarry is about to get poached.”  He answered sourly.  This wasn’t going to be good.  He paused for a second and flipped open his communicator.  “Hey Mark its Jack.  Listen I think we may need to leave sooner then we thought.  Can you get here right away?”
“Sure Jack no problem.”  Commander Compass’ worried voice replied.  “We’re on our way.”
“Great, see you soon.”  He turned back to Sean.  “Ok here’s how this is going to go….”
Here we go….
Scott:  Good post!
CAPT Jack Steele

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More Speed Now!==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More Speed Now!==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Reports Were True==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Reports Were True==