ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Gang's All Here==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.018
Scene: Spaceport, New Detroit
K’Temec watched as his dreams of the future came crashing down around him.  At the first sign of the Romulans his paid team had flung Sachen to the floor and ran for the door.  He knew they were not trust worthy but he had paid them well and explained in painstaking detail what would happen to them if they had failed.  Apparently dozens of Romulan troops had provided a greater and more imminent threat.  At least his snipers remained, he grunted in amusement as he watched another Romulan go down.  He knew it wouldn’t last long Romulans were anything but stupid and soon they would realize where the hidden enemy lurked and kill them.
Perhaps if the battle became violent enough it would trigger a war between Romulus and the Federation.  He was certain the humans were from the Federation, probably Starfleet.  If that was the outcome and he could figure away to spin this as to his doing he might save himself yet.  Sachen! He was the key.  He had to find him and if he could not spirit him away then kill him and leave no trace.  Romulus would blame Starfleet and the Federation would fear that Romulus would use this scientist to construct whatever loathsome weapon he had dreamt up.  He pulled his disruptor ready to slink into the fray.  This is what is life had become he thought sadly.
Suddenly he spun around in answer to the whine of the transporter beams behind him.  His small corner of the spaceport was suddenly filled with a dozen Klingon warriors all holding a bat’leth.  The largest strode forward.  I have been ordered to assist you.  What is the situation.”
Once again things had changed.
CAPT Jack Steele

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Catch and Release==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Catch and Release==