ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Not with a Bang...==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.022
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
“Commander, Chief Brannon signals the shuttles have the package and they are dusting off.”  The relief in the young ensign on the comm panel was clearly evident and helped break the tension that had washed over the bridge these past few minutes.
“Alright people you all have your orders.  Lets get to work.”
“Shields to full power.  Enginneering confirms they are channeling all emergency power to the shields.  Weapons on standby.”
“Coming to new course one two one mark eight.”
“Ahead, full impulse.”  Compass ordered.
No one really believed that the Romulans would destroy unarmed shuttles returning to HOOOD from the surface.  But no one was ready to discount the possibility either.  So the quickly developed plan had been for the shuttles to lift off from the New Detroit Spaceport and due some high speed, low level flying until they arrived at the opposite side of the planet where they would then make a run for orbit.  At the same time HOOD which had been stationed in geosynchronous orbit above the spaceport would reverse its course and charge by the nearby Romulan warship.  The hope was they would be confused by the initial move and would be more focused on a heavy cruiser bearing down on them then four shuttle craft scurrying away.
In the end all the worry was for nothing.  HOOD charge by the warbird who did a very credible job of ignoring the Starfleet vessel.  Truth be told she was more wary of the smaller but unpredicatable Klingon ship doing something ill advised then Starfleet taking the first shot.  HOOD swung around to the other side where the shuttles were just breaking thorough the ionosphere.  Seconds later they were on the shuttledeck.
“Warp eight now!”  Compass ordered.  By the time everyone had disembarked from the rescue craft the Arcturan system had fallen far behind them.
Scott, well there could be enough room in timing to resolve the non-contunity issues to work.  I also meant to ask if we wanted to arrest some of the Andorians, have them escape or a Plan C
CAPT Jack Steele

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Denobulans and Shuttlecrafts==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Denobulans and Shuttlecrafts==