ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting To The Heart Of The Matter==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2261.038
Scene: Outside Main Briefing Room
Corbett exited the conference room with the rest of the senior staff. Rubbing his eyes he could feel the hangover he had managed to keep at bay during the briefing threaten to take over with a mighty force. The coffee had helped, but he was definitely going to need his hangover recipe and soon. He watched as all the other officers except Sean Merrick dispersed and went their separate ways once they reached the corridor. None of them seemed to mind the fact that this mission was mundane and could have easily been carried out by a supply vessel with a corpsman and not a fully staffed Constitution Class heavy cruiser.
“I should have you court marshaled and phasered!” Merrick said turning to Corbett.
“Right now you’d be doing me a favor.” Corbett sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Since my infractions are frequent and severe, which one of them has got you all riled this time.”
“It wasn’t bad enough that you had me quarantined in sickbay, but to tell Lt. Commander Grey that I had a psychosexual issue. Damn it man the woman kept trying to psychoanalyze me for four painful hours.”
“You wouldn’t tell your bartender or your doctor so I had no choice, but to bring in the big guns.”
“I think you derive some sick pleasure from torturing me like that.”
“You are very wrong.”
“So you’re denying it.”
“No not at all; however it’s not just me sar, the Captain has been enjoying this as well.”
“I knew it. You two SOB’s are in for it, just you wait.”
“Sean before you draw up your battle plans I want you to think about this. Both Jack and I are concerned about you. All joking aside over the last several months you’ve had trauma after trauma thrust upon you…”
“So has everyone else.” Merrick interrupted.
“No doubt, but there is something else.”
“What else?”
“The first thing out of your mouth to Mother was Survivor’s guilt.”
“Stile stop right there, who the hell wouldn’t have that after seeing almost their entire command staff and friends butchered by terrorists.”
Corbett took a quick look around to make sure no one else was in earshot. “Sean I don’t think this is the place to discuss it.”
Merrick looked around them as well. “You started this so finish it.”
“Alright then, I think this is about your ex-wife not what happened on Monil IV.”
Merrick let out a frustrated chuckle. “If I didn’t find that ludicrous I’d knock you on your ass right here.”
Corbett sighed as he pushed his hat to the back of his head. “It wouldn’t change anything. I’m just asking you as your friend to think about it.”
“There’s nothing to think about.” Merrick said turning to leave.
“Sean there’s no denying the incredible resemblance between Kiska and Jeri.”
Merrick stopped and turned slowly back to Corbett. “And just how would you know that doctor.”
“Her picture, it’s in your file. As ships doctor I am required to know both your psychological and physical work ups.”
“Frak you Stile.” Merrick shouted then turned and walked away.
Corbett said nothing he just sighed and turned to head back to sickbay when he ran straight into Lt. Steering.
“Sorry doctor.” Steering said backing away, her eyes lowered.
“Always a pleasure to run into you Kim; however now that I’ve done so literally I must say…”
“Doctor,” Steele shouted from the conference room. “Do you mind seeing me for a moment?”
Corbett tipped his hat. “Ah duty calls.”
“Another time then doctor.” Steering smiled as she made her way down the hall.
Corbett entered the conference room and sat down across from the Captain.
“She’s on her way to becoming an outstanding officer and I don’t need you corrupting her Stile.”
“Me. Jack how could you say such as thing.” Corbett said momentarily looking at the Captain with a somber face before he broke into laughter. “Never mind, even I couldn’t keep a straight face after that.”
Steele took a sip of coffee. “Problem with Sean?”
“So I take it you heard our little exchange.”
“Just the last part.” Steel said putting his cup down.
“Things didn’t go well with Mother?”
“Depends on how you look at it.” Corbett said pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“That’s not an answer.”
“I think Mother inadvertently uncovered the root of Sean’s issue.”
Steele lifted an eyebrow. “Go on.”
“Sean is still grieving over the loss of his ex-wife. I think he suppressed it and seeing Kiska opened the flood gates.”
“What’s Saxman have to do with this?”
“She bears a striking resemblance to his ex-wife, you didn’t know that?” Corbett asked in surprise
“No,” Steele answered. “He transferred here almost a year after she died. He never talked about it, or even had any pictures of her in his quarters.”
“In all fairness,” Corbett replied. “I don’t think even Sean knew this was an issue.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means Jack that Sean never really dealt with her death and now 2 years later is finally having to come to grips with it.”
Steele nodded almost imperceptibly. “Can he serve as XO?”
“I think so; he’s done a good job so far.” Corbett said taking a sip from his cup. “He knows what the problem is now. Oh he’ll deny it for a bit longer, but eventually he’ll have to come to grips with it. I’ll keep an eye on him and at the first sign of trouble I’ll relieve him.”
“I’ll expect that.” Steele said leaning forward. “Now on to other matters, as we discussed last night you and I have some sleuthing ahead of us. Our first stop is going to be an automated mining facility located in the outskirts of the Celes asteroid belt.”
“Ah yes the intelligence listening outpost.”
“Well at least you weren’t too drunk to remember that. It’s automated, with a one Miss Calvaster as its sole operator.”
Corbett’s ears picked up a bit. “Did you say Miss?”
“Easy there cowboy, even though she’s female she’s still one of the boys in black. You need to keep it in your pants for a change.”
“Sar, I make no promises if she’s hot.”
Steele couldn’t help but smile and shake his head. “You, Gar and I will beam over under the mission pretense of a medical checkup and resupply. Once there she’ll transfer the DNA data for you to review and the warp signature that Gar and I will need to puzzle over.”
“Have you discussed this with him?” Corbett asked.
“No not yet. I think I’ll let him take a crack at this unbiased by any reports that this warp signature might have come from a Constitution Class star ship.”
Corbett nodded his head in understanding. “We have a number of stops to make after that and as the ships head doctor…”
“Let me stop you right there.” Steele said. “Assign your other doctors to the duty of performing physicals to the colonies and other mining facilities. I want your priority being that DNA sample.”
“So I take it no shore leave on Lyren II until I’m done.”
“Depending on what we find, none of us may get shore leave on Lyren II.”
“Ah yes I see, welcome to Star Fleet have a nice day.”
“Well then you should have gotten student loans to pay for Med-school instead of the military, you cheap bastard.”
Corbett had to chuckle at that. “So when are we heading down.”
“We transport out in 3 hours, so I’d take whatever tranquilizers you need now.”
“You know about that huh.”
“Yeah I do, now go away.” Steele said.
“What happened to dismissed?”
“That term is only used for real officers.” Steele said smiling.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Untitled==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Untitled==