ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: It's Just a Little Bunnyrabbit==
===by David Kiel===
[NRPG: Alright, I'll play :) ]
Cedria walked absently through the corridors her eyes tracking the reports on
her hand unit. She tapped keys, filed reports, looked over coordinate displays
and occasionally looked up to avoid walking through anyone. She was on deck six
headed for the commissary or at least that's what she thought.
She had been checking the math on some course alterations from shift three in
the turbolift and hadn't actually checked her floor when the doors slid open.
So when she turned left and took the second left to the commissary she ended up
rather surprised to find herself in access junction seven on deck `she wasn't
quite sure.' Still looking over the display, she frowned and then turned to
find a wall unit that might know where it was.
From the corner of her eye she caught the flash of the charge even before the
snarling hiss of the creature making it. A flash of mottled brown, white and
tan, two flashes to be precise. Cedria moved faster than the creature, her legs
sprung her lithe form up and over the path of attack. One palm touched the deck
between the charging pair as they shot through the area she had just vacated and
she landed softly behind them as they scrambled to turn once again in her
Rabbits, mottled tan, brown and white with a pair of green tinged spiked horns.
Cedria's eyes widened at the implausibility of their existence and tried to
remember something Kyrania knew. The little creatures let out a short
stuttering howl of dismay as their quarry backed up a few steps. A lower
reverberating call followed as they tensed.
`Tarsian rabbits', she remembered. Brush scavengers, with powerful hind legs
and those cute little horns. She smiled thinking back to Kyrania and her
propensity to read all sorts of diffuse scientific journal entries that would
filter out to Trill. She knelt and looked over at the rabbits some seven meters
away, something else was tickling her memory from the hundred year old journal
entry. She smiled and made cooing sounds to try and sooth the cat sized vermin.
They shot for her in unison, a hunting pair. Cedria leapt straight up one hand
catching the right wall of the corridor, her legs catching the left. She
pressed herself to the ceiling as they arced just beneath her, head turning to
avoid the sharp tip of one horn.
She had remembered the tickly point of the journal article. Deadly neurotoxins
secreted on the horns. Between her hand and legs she was able to hold herself
two and a half meters up just above the apex of the creatures jump. The rabbits
scrambled to a stop another eight meters back the way they had came and howled
at her in little poisonous rabbity rage. One hand pressed hard against the deck
wall to keep her pinioned off the floor and out of the little things path, her
boots tight against the opposite wall for leverage and as far apart as her skirt
would allow. Her free hand still held the comp and she began tapping buttons
with her thumb.
A crewman turned the corner, having heard the racket. He looked up in surprise
at the Trill girl pressed to the ceiling of the corridor.
"Don't, come any closer." She nodded towards the rabbits.
The crewman was just as surprised to see animals on the Hood as she had been.
"What are they."
"Deadly poisonous. Back away and get security." She continued pressing the
little buttons with her thumb cycling through her files. The crewmans eyes
widened and he backed away carefully. The rabbits tensed, clearly ready to
charge again, she wasn't sure which one of them was the target but she put her
desperately lame plan into action anyway.
"Security now!" She yelped back at the crewman and held her palm unit at the
rabbits and hit play. `Harmonic Requiem 4' blasted from the speakers at the
loudest setting she could push. It was one of the angriest and particularly
tuneless selections of organized noise Padrek Zade had ever composed. The nasty
little bunnies flattened their ears, startled at the violent sound, and instead
of charging scampered back a couple steps in confusion. It wouldn't work for
long but perhaps someone with a phaser would show up and stun them before they
tried another charge and jump.
NRPG: One miniskirted Trill gymnast who needs rescuing! Who's brave enough to
face the deadly rabbits in single combat?
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Harvey Is That You==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Harvey Is That You==