ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Harvey Is That You==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2261.038
Scene: CMO’s Quarters, USS HOOD
Corbett looked in his bathroom mirror for the fifth or sixth time in the last thirty minutes. He used two fingers to pull down the skin under his left eye to see if he could see any changes. There was nothing new to note since the last time he checked, five minutes ago. The damn tranquilizer was not taking effect. He felt nothing and the telling physical signs were absent.
Could he be building a tolerance to them? No, he thought. I’ve only used them a few times. Okay Stile, how many is a few? He asked himself. Outpost 8, that was four times and then once to beam on to the freighter at the start of the Arcturus mission. Tolerance couldn’t come on that quickly, I should be feeling something, anything by now.
Reaching for the hypospray that sat on the sink he lifted the device and adjusted the dosage up. This better do it, he thought. I have a little over two hours to get the full effect over with and the residuals to help me through the transport.
The hiss from the hypospray was barely fading when he felt the drug take over. “Okay that worked,” he said to his reflection as he put the hypospray back onto the sink.
[This is the bridge. Go to plan Hotel Nine. All crews report to safety stations. Medical staff report to sickbay. Saber squad- report to armory and await further instructions.]
“What the hell is plan Hotel Nine?” He asked out loud as he exited the bathroom and grabbed his black cowboy hat.
Grumbling he walked the few feet to his door and pushed the button. He waited the second or two it took for his door to slide open.
“Get back inside they’re right behind me!” A yellow shirted Ensign screamed as he ran past Corbett’s quarters.
“What the hell.” Corbett said with a start as he instinctively jumped back into the doorway.
The tranquilizer was definitely in full effect. Corbett could feel the euphoria rush through him. Stepping back out into the hallway he looked down the corridor and saw nothing. That boy has issues, he thought to himself and started in the direction from which the Ensign had come from.
Corbett got about thirty feet from his quarters when he saw them round the corner. They were rabbits, two of them very large; mottled tan, brown and white, each with a pair of nine inch green tinged spiked horns.
For a moment nothing and no one moved. It was a standoff, almost as if they were sizing each other up, man against rabbit and rabbit against man.
The rabbits broke the spell first; each began thumping one of their back feet against the deck. Slowly Corbett reached into his left boot and found the handle of his colt pistol.
“Go ahead rabbits make your move.” He shouted.
The cadence of the rabbits’ feet reached a fevered pitch until both rabbits jumped and started toward the doctor at a rapid run.
Corbett pulled out his pistol and fired twice.
Fortunately for the rabbits, in his chemically induced state, Corbett’s shots went wide. Unfortunately for Commander Walters, the door to his quarters now had two bullets lodged in it.
The rabbits skidded to a halt ten feet or so from Corbett when they heard the loud retort from his pistol. In an instant they had turned and run in the opposite direction away from him.
“That will teach you to mess with a Texan.” Corbett screamed while shaking his pistol at them. “Come on back you little bastards I still got 4 shots left.”
Corbett watched the rabbits until they rounded the corner and were out of sight then turned and headed back to his quarters.
Stepping through the still open door he headed to his desk and hit the comm. switch. “Corbett to sickbay.”
[Where the hell are you cowboy?]
“That’s what I’m calling about Mother. I don’t think I should report to sickbay. You see I am supposed to beam out in a couple of hours and well you know my issues so I took some Rexlin.”
[“How much did you take.”]
“Enough. At first I thought I was ok, then well I...”
[“What do you mean well I. Spit it boy out what happened.]
“Fine!” Corbett yelled into the comm. “I had a hallucination and shot at two big ole bunny rabbits”
The comm. erupted in laughter for a good solid minute. [“You weren’t hallucinating; those were horned Tarsian rabbits, not only are they poisonous but extremely dangerous as well. You’re damn lucky to be alive. Now get down here in case someone else isn’t as lucky.”]
“I’ll be there shortly.” He said then clicked off the comm.
So I’m not hallucinating after all, well that’s good to know, he thought as he paced his quarters. Suddenly he stopped next to his prized saddle and grabbed the rope hanging from it.
“Those damn rabbits seem to be a nuisance,” He said out loud as he undid the rope and began coiling it again. “And I think this is one nuisance only a Texan would know how to deal with.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Dead Goldshirt==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Dead Goldshirt==