ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: No Fluffy Rabbit Here...==
===by David Martens===
SD: 2261.038
USS HOOD, corridor J deck junction 12.
Time: about the same time Corbett catches the first rabbit
Hemux let out a curse again as she was sneaking up the corridors to the junction
where the Tarsian Rabbits had been seen last. As soon as she had heard about
those critters being aboard she hadn't liked it at all. Those where not the
nice fluffy kind of rabbits, no sir, they where huge, mean ugly and deadly
beasts. They easily could outrun a man in a straight long distance run, hey
could jump further and higher then any man could, their deadly horns where able
to stun and kill an ox and they had nice sharp teeth, big enough to slice
straight through a finger as if it was well, a carrot... And now she was here,
with a tricorder over her shoulder and a sedation pistol on her hand trying to
get a clear shot of that damn rabbit...
ARr'Rhiana was just turning to, Section 12 as she heard a sound of fast jumping
feet of a large animal coming closer. *oh shit...* she thought as she saw a
rabbit turning the corridor and running toward her place. The rabbit stopped as
it saw her *perfect* she thought as she aimed and fired. The arrow hit the
beast somewhere in the flurry chest. Hemux counted to ten and then suddenly the
rabbit was shaking his head and made an squieking, pitch high sound as it raced
towards her.
Hemux cursed again, as she tossed the gun aside and ran for her life. There
where no rooms in this corridor and the turbo lift was at least 50 metres away
from her, the rabbit would be chewing on her before she even would be able to
get inside. There was only one option she turned and ran for a few metres and
then jumped up to grab and air roster about 3 metres from the ground. She
pulled up her legs and swinged them around a small pipe about 50 cm away from
her hands and tried to hang on.
Under her the rabbit had stopped and looked up to where Hemux clamped tight to
the wall. It narrowed his eyes and snorted loud and then jumped up high trying
to sting Hemux with it's horn. The only thing ARr'Rhiana could do was using her
tricorder to slam the horn away each time the rabit tried to pierce her.
While she was hanging there upside down bashing the rabbit away, she could only
hope someone soon would find her, before she lost grip or was hit by the
animal... This certainly was not the way she wanted to die, being eaten as a
carrot by an alien rabbit...
<tag anyone>
Hi All,
big, horned killer rabbits? What's next? Firespitting flying jellyfish?
Anyway: HELP!
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux