ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Deadly Rivalries==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.047
Scene: Bridge, HOOD
"Captain we're starting to pick up something on the sensors to port."
"Shields up all weapons on standby!" First Officer Merrick ordered
The science officer nodded as she continued to stare into her scanner.  "Spatial anomaly forming.  Readings match expected norms.  Its expanding.  Contact!" Hemux stood up for the scanner and turned to face the captain.  "She's back captain its definitely the CONSTELLATION."
"She's heavily damaged captain.  Warp engines off line, shields off line, no life support on the engineering decks." Commander Merrick announced.
"Primary and secondary weapons off line.  All they have is lasers."
Jack chuckled at that information.  "Veld always said they'd come in handy.  I wonder if he appreciates the irony."
Sean stepped down onto the command deck and leaned towards the captain.  "A torpedo spread would finish her.  No one would know and that would be a large thorn out of your side.  After what Veld tried to do he deserves it.  Even if command found out no one would question it."
Jack looked at his first officer with surprise.  If he had been the first officer he would have counseled that Veld and his senior officers would be placed under arrest and HOOD's first officer be given command.  He scrutinized his first officer closely wondering why he had discounted the opportunity to get a ship of his own.  "No."  Jack finally answered.  "It is tempting but one day I will need a jester in my court to amuse me.  I can think of no other bigger fool then Captain Jack Veld."  He turned to his comm officer.  "Open a channel."
"Captain Veld.  Fancy seeing you here.  Have a little bit of a mishap did we?"
"Frak off Jack.  Excuse me, Frak off Blackjack.  I know how your ego likes to hear the old nickname that you gave yourself.  Have I mentioned how pathetic that is?"
Jack laughed.  "I believe you have, several times in fact.  But given the state of your ship at this moment I'd be careful at who you're trying to insult.  I should tell you that my first officer has advised me quite strongly to put you out of your misery with a torpedo spread."  To his left Sean stiffened slightly.  Good, he thought to, himself that should knock him down a peg or two.  "I have to say it is a tempting idea."
Veld laughed.  "Really?  I'm impressed Sean it’s good to know there is at least one officer over there with some balls."
"Now Mr. Veld if I remember correctly the STELLA was supposed to be out patrolling the Bajoran system and not on the other side of the quadrant utilizing stolen technology and trying to transit to the mulitverse."
This time Veld made no effort to conceal his anger.  "That should have been my mission and you know it.  The only way you got it was by frakkin the admiral, hell thats the only way you were able to get yourself into a command of your own.  As your record has shown time and time again."
"Well Jack you have to go with your strengths.  Of course that’s not something you'd know about.  Perhaps if you'd developed strong relationships with the admiralty you'd get tapped for the big jobs and you wouldn't find yourself trying to steal my glory by stealing defective technology and relying on second tier admirals to try to shepherd you along.”
“DeSimms has secured the Tholian device.” Merrick said smiling at Veld’s image. “He’s beamed back aboard and is assisting Gar and Jeri with the installation.”
“Very good Mr. Merrick.” Steele said then turned back to the main viewer and Veld. “Now then, I have a date with destiny so if you are able to get your sensors working you can watch as HOOD sails into glory.  Oh and one more thing Captain Veld.  I'll be giving myself a new nickname soon, if I were you I'd start practicing it.  Next time you see me you can call me Sovereign Prime."
Hi all, well that cat was get pulled out of the bag  so I thought I'd clear it up a bit.  It looks like another version of our universe has decided to expand.  So eventually we'll be meeting up with our counterparts aboard TSS HOOD.  Not looking to mirror the TOS (and others) episode but instead we can create another versions so we don't have to worry about any sort of canon.  Suffice to say the universe we can create will be close to the TOS mirror episode in terms of its warlike/expansionist feel but not exaclty the same.  So you can have fun with your alter egos until (and after) we meet up.
Scott: Just remember the whole addition of STELLA and Veld was not in any way my idea!  Hehehe
CAPT BlackJack Steele
Commanding, TSS HOOD NCC 1703

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==USS HOOD: Come Hell Or High Water==
==USS HOOD: Come Hell Or High Water==