ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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The Resistance
The Resistance
==ORIGIN: The Sovereignty's Response==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2261.064
Scene: Sovereignty PBS Station
"It's a beautiful day in the Sovereignty, a beautiful day today.  Oh hello there I didn't see you come in. Well now that you're here why don't you sit down by the fire and get warm. It's too cold a day to be outside, so get comfortable while Mr. Roberts tells you a story." The middle aged man in a dark blue sweater smiled as he finished tying his sneakers.
"Once upon a time, not so long ago, in a sector you just might have heard about, there lived a boy named Jimmy. Jimmy was a good boy growing up, but a bit lazy. Now Jimmy lived on a Co-op that provided food for many citizens in the Sovereignty. Can you say Sovereignty? Sure you can.
[Sovran… Sovranty,] the unseen audience of youngsters shouted.
"Nice try." Mr. Roberts smiled and continued with his story.
"Sometimes Jimmy was selfish and didn't want to help his father with the farm work, so he had to be motivated with a big stick and even then he was slow."
[booooo, boooo]
"Oh now don't be too harsh with Jimmy as he didn't really understand what a responsibility his family had to the Sovereignty. If anyone was to blame it was his mother. She was a bad influence from the start, always making poor Jimmy work like a slave for her hovercycle repair business, just so she could turn a profit."
[booooo, booooo, booooo, boooo] The cries of the unseen audience were coming to a fevered pitch
"Now now boy and girls." Mr. Roberts said while pushing his hands down to quiet them. "Let's be good citizens of the Sovereignty and see how this story plays out shall we."
"Life went on like that for some time until Jimmy was about to turn 18 and become a man. Remember Jimmy as I said was a bit lazy, which as you might well have imagined turned him into a rather poor student. He scored in the bottom 98th percentile of his class, which meant that only 2% of students were even lazier than he was. What was to happen to poor Jimmy now? With scores so low and a lazy disposition to match this meant Jimmy was going to be a burden to society."
[Oh no,] gasped a tiny young girl's voice from the unseen audience.
"Now don't you worry Molly," Mr. Roberts chuckled. "Because the Sovereignty has a place for everyone. As it turned out Jimmy could perform certain complex tasks very well when properly motivated. The Sovereignty felt he could serve society best in Star Fleet, a place where Jimmy could be nurtured and corrected as needed."
[Yea, yea, yea,] the unseen audience cheered.
"Settle down now boys and girls and let me finish my story." Mr. Roberts said taking a sip from his tea.
"Jimmy did very well in Star Fleet and graduated with a degree, finally his life was starting to turn a corner. He married a nice girl named Bekka from a place called Australia. Can you say Australia? Come on don't be shy, we'll say it together."
[Au-strale-ya] They said together.
"Wow you're all smart little Sovereigntists aren't you." Mr. Roberts praised. "Ok now let's get back to Jimmy. It didn't take long for Jimmy and Bekka to do what all good citizens of the Sovereignty do and have a child, a male child they called Jimmy Jr. Unfortunately Jimmy Sr.'s laziness never quite went away and he forgot to get his little boy protected against space polio. Poor little Jimmy Jr. got very sick and the treatment to make him well was very expensive and he became a burden to the state" 
[Did they kill him?] A little boy's voice asked.
"Now Tommy don't you start with those rumors again." Mr. Roberts admonished. "The Sovereignty took care of everything, which you'll find out about in a moment when I finish the story."
"Jimmy was assigned to the USS Bonhamme Richard as a conduit specialist in the engineering department, a good assignment for someone as slow and lazy as Jimmy. Well it seems that on his third duty shift Jimmy repolarized an aft biometric relay juncture in a redundant parallel capacity matrix of network junction 13." (Lifted completely from Dave's Post "Join the Resistance)
[Gasp] Came from a horrified audience
"Yes children it was bad and could have cost many brave men and women of Star Fleet their lives. If that wasn't bad enough he tried to cover up his mistake and blame it on his superior, whom we'll call Lt. Crux Deathsparkle."
[The Lt. killed Jimmy right?] An overzealous boy asked.
"Now who's telling the story here Franky?" Mr. Roberts said with a gentle laugh. "Of course he did. Now remember Jimmy had been given every chance to prove he was a useful and productive member of the Sovereignty and he failed and what happens when we fail."
[The Sovereignty suffers.] The unseen audience of children said as one voice.
"That's right the Sovereignty suffers. Any way our hero Lt. Crux Deathsparkle had Jimmy's head hung from a pike in the mess hall as a lesson to the other crew members who might follow Jimmy's example and become lazy and slow."
[What happened to Bekka and little Jimmy Jr.?] A girl shouted out.
"That's a good question Susie." Mr. Roberts smiled. "Bekka was handed over to our good friends and allies the Nausicaans to help her adjust to life without Jimmy. Alas Jimmy had been too strong of a negative influence on her and she died screaming curses at everyone, very sad. Now for the good news, the Sovereignty didn't want poor little Jimmy Jr. to end up slow and lazy like his father. No they had special plans for him, so they took him to a reeducation camp on Orion where he is learning all kinds of new skills to better serve the Sovereignty."
[Wow] The audience shouted.
"Well it's late and you kids better get on home and do your chores. Remember you need to do your part for the Sovereignty too. When you give to the Sovereignty I promise it will give back. Why if you work hard you can be as famous as Captain Black Jack Steele from the TSS-Hood. Remember our forces have more soldiers, more ships, and a unity unmatched in all of human history, the Sovereignty marches on!
[The preceding public broadcast was underwritten in part by a grant from the Sovereignty Department of Information, The Sovereignty Star Fleet and The American branch of the "Sons of Tara" party]
<<NRPG>> Dave I couldn't help but give the Sovereignty's response. If it wasn't for your great post I wouldn't have been able to write this one. I hope you and everyone else enjoyed it in the spirit it was intended.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
ASR Origins

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: First Command==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: First Command==