ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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==Join the Resistance!==
===by David Kiel===
Let me tell you a story about Ensign Jimmy.  Jimmy was a good boy growing up, helped his father with the farm work, helped his mother with her hovercycle repair business and pitched in with the chores all while retaining the 98th percentile rate that got him into the Sovereign academy.  He married a nice Australian girl named Bekka while at the academy and graduated with a degree.  They had a sun, Jimmy Jr who came down with an unfortunate case of space polio for which the treatments are very expensive.
Jimmy was assigned to the USS Bonhamme Richard as a conduit specialist in the engineering department.  On his third duty shift he accidentally repolarized an aft biometric relay juncture in a redundant parallel capacity matrix of network junction 13. And who hasn't made this particular mistake, really?  He realized his mistake right away and corrected it immediately.  But shift duty manager Lt. Crux Deathsparkle found out and stabbed Jimmy in the spleen with a thin blade poisoned by an exotic toxin that caused Jimmys spleen to explode and for him to die an agonizing death on the floor of Jeffries tube four.  He then had Jimmy's head hung from a pike in the mess hall and had poor Bekka gang-assasinated by Nausicans.  Little Jimmy Jr now has to crawl on his hands to the tricobalt mining machine he operates in an Orion slave camp.
Life doesnt have to be like this.  The resistance promises that no longer will you be assinated for one simple mistake.  It will take three such errors before vaporization is even on the table.  Isn't that a much nicer world??  So if you are tired of spending four years in the academy learning the finer points of power matrices maitenence only to have your foot phasered off for crossing a red junction cable with a reddish orange alert cable, why not join the resistance.  Cedria Quall is currently skulking about the lower decks on USS Hood trying to gain control of the main shield array and would be happy to sign you up, administer the blood oath and talk to you about the Resistance dental plan.
So throw off the yoke of your oppressors and join the team working to bring about the slightly more tolerant new galactic order.  We will make better worlds, all of them, better worlds.
The Resistance

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: First Command==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: First Command==
===by Andy Catterick===
===by Andy Catterick===

SD: 2261.67
SD: 2261.067

MD: 1.2300
MD: 1.2300
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Commanding Officer, RAPIER
Commanding Officer, RAPIER

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ready to Beam Down==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ready to Beam Down==