ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: First Command==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.67
MD: 1.2300
Scene: Bridge, Nausican Freighter RAPIER
The Nausican freighter lumbered along at a painfully slow warp 3.56 but Lieutenant Kim Steering found that not only did she not care she was having the time of her life.  Which considering the ship was cramped, dark, smelled like a sewer and was on a direct course with no plans for adjustments, was quite a feat.  She never had been in command of anything larger then a 5 member landing party and that was on a training mission on an ‘unknown world’ that had been part of Academy training for six decades.
But now she found herself Mistress under God of the late Nauscian ship RAPIER.  She chuckled as she thought of Mark Compass and his days of command aboard HOOD.  She could see how this could go to your head if you let it, and his command was a bit more prestigious then her current one.  Of course she had a larger crew to contend with then he had.  Security Chief DeSimms had seen fit to assigned almost 30 security ratings, 4 noncomms and a lieutenant (jg) to ride herd on the 23 Nauscian prisoners that were secured in the ship’s hold.  Commander Gar had assigned an engineer team led by one of his best chiefs and the rest of the detail was topped out with the helmsman, navigator and a joint comm and sensor operator she had tapped to be her bridge crew.  It was quite the merry little ship.
“Anything to report?”  She asked the rating manning the sensor display. 
“All clear.”  He reported with just a little exasperation in his voice.  It was the 4th time she had asked in the past hour.
She fought down the urge to apologize to him.  She knew she was pestering her people needlessly but just as the giddiness from the power of command floated around in the back of her head so too did the responsibility.  It was one thing to understand command responsibility when you are sitting in a classroom or even when you are watching your superiors wield it.  It was quite another thing when you actually had to carry that weight.  She was responsible for a megatonne freighter plowing through the frontier.  But more importantly almost 100 lives depended on her to get them to their destination. A frown crossed her lips as she realized that was more melodrama then actually truth when she considered the ‘mission’ she commanded but still it had the foundation of truth.  If anything happened, a malfunction, a chance encounter in space, they would look to her to lead them through.  She knew she would be ready for the challenge but she knew even more that she hoped it would not come.
“I’m going to head down and check on the prisoners.”
The navigator and helmsman exchanged a look of relief as she stepped off the bridge. 
Not looking to have any disasters befall the ship as it sails away from the system, just wanted to get something out…its been way too long. 
LT Kim Steering
Commanding Officer, RAPIER

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ready to Beam Down==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ready to Beam Down==
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