ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Orbital Chess==
===by David Kiel===
SD 2261.73
MD 2.0809
TSS Hood -- Bridge
Arctura Zade stared out at the alternate Hood on the viewscreen. He had a plan,
a guess really but if it didn't play out he would simply drift away, quietly
cloaked; nothing ventured, nothing lost. He tapped the sequence into the
communications panel and let the new Ensign do his work.
Steele no doubt would be livid to find out Zade had Hood's codes but there was
no way really to hide them from a trained technician. Too many things in this
universe were so perfectly similar. If this were one of them he might just
strike a surgical blow. Glory or suffering awaited, or perhaps not.
It might just be the drifting away quietly thing.
"Well, what do we send." Yoshi said looking at Arctura.
`Have them lower their shields. And lock the shields out on a random code
Yoshi smiled and sent the command.
USS Hood -- Bridge
Cedria Zade stood next to the younger Denoblian science officer and looked over
the readings. Cloaking technology had its idiosyncrasies and could be
penetrated given time. In this case, however, they had no real notion of what
the specific design of cloaking tech they were searching for. It wasn't going
to be easy.
"Thermal, infrared, ultraviolet, tachyon and nuetronic. Zero indications."
ARr'Rhiana rattled off looking at her display.
"Well we didn't expect it to be simple."
"Would have been nice though."
"Perhaps we could load a spread of photon torpedoes with flour,…" Cedria smiled
and was interrupted by an angry chirping from Ensign Tamura's console.
Yoshi looked at the display and looked over to the Trill. "Command codes,
direct transmission, they are trying to lower our shields. They have the wrong
codes though."
Cedria turned to the helmsman, there was no time to lose. "Lower the shields,
now. And be ready to raise them again immediately."
The officers watched as the TSS Hood shimmered and appeared on the port
viewscreen. Hemux switched the view to main. It was a sight to behold, the
hull layout looked eighty years old but the build was modern. Four forward
torpedo bays winked in unison as they opened up on the USS Hood chambered,
reloaded and opened up a second time. Cedria stood bewildered for a moment.
There were no torpedoes. It was as if they had forgotten to load the damn
"Shields up, sir." The helmsman reported and Cedria blinked back to reality.
"Open fire, full phasers. Load torpedoes."
TSS Hood – torpedo room
Cedria Quall pulled the last of the bodies into the Jeffries hatch and let him
fall three floors to the junction. She smiled as the forward bays rotated
through three empty chambers. Hood opened up with phasers but it was too late,
their duplicate had raised shields and was returning fire. She ducked out
through the access corridor and hurried away from the room before any more of
security's goons came to investigate.
She had ordered them to switch out to the high yield torpedoes. When they had
emptied the chambers she shot the three of them before they could reload. Her
timing had been perfect, but Arctura for all his calculating treachery was at
least predictable in one way. He never let an opportunity pass. She knew he
would try to take out their counterpart once he was in charge.
She just regretted that she didn't have control of the shield matrix yet, she
could have finished her job in one blow.
USS Hood -- Bridge
Hemux rotated through her arrays taking a full spectrum of scans, gaining all
the detail she could from the other Hood as it turned away under blistering fire
from the Federation ship. The alternate universes ship was clearly having power
trouble. Her phasers were at seventy percent and her shields started at barely
fifty and were now down to ten. There had been a reason they had tried to take
the Federation ship out with torpedoes, their main power was strangely crippled.
TSS Hood's shields fell and she cloaked. Cedria Zade sprinted down to the Nav
console and edging her own crewman to the side laid in a six shot array of sheer
guesswork. She eyeballed their trajectory and path and sent six orange beams
into the empty darkness in front of them, her best guess as to where she would
have turned if she were at the helm of the enemy ship.
Eight kilometers out into the blackness the fourth shot struck true, the beam
lanced into the aft end of the starboard nacelle, straight into it and up the
length of the nacelle. Blossoms of explosions trailed up the sides of the
nacelle as chamber after chamber of warp plasma shattered its casing and vented
into space.
For a moment TSS Hood was visible again, pitching to port and shuddering in
agony. To their credit the crew of the TSS Hood knew what they were doing. They
shut down the nacelle quickly, found a little bit of reserve power to feed the
shields for the moments they needed to crawl back into the cloak. A pair of
torpedoes just missed the main hull as she shimmered back out of view.
Hemux looked over the last data she had gotten when the nacelle blew and then
turned to Cedria. "We can trace the debris trail but we wont be able to keep up
with them. If we gather some of the debris and transport it aboard, we might
learn something about their hull construction or their plasma signature that
might help find them again."
Cedria watched as her third attempt to get lucky with a phaser shot burned off
into the darkness. TSS Hood wouldn't be able turn back at them just at the
moment. They had a ten minute or so window to get some of the nacelle remnants
aboard. She nodded to Hemux and to the helm. "Do it. Ten minutes to transport
debris to the hold, no more. After that the other Hood could be on either side
of us and we wont be able to risk dropping one of our shields again."
NRPG: First engagement. We have some debris to gather and analyze and Arctura
has to figure out a way to explain all of this to mirror Steele that doesn't get
him vaporized.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: “Facing Yourself Is Never Easy - JP==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: “Facing Yourself Is Never Easy - JP==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Trying to Deal==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Trying to Deal==