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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A New Way Home==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.115
Scene: Fleet Base, Aldeberan
“Well sir I imagine you’ve already gone over the two possibilities.” She had little doubt as to the answer. The ensign still appeared to be channeling all his efforts into not wetting himself.
Surprisingly Rivers answered immediately. “Well the way I see it we can either wait here for HOOD to pick us up. Or we could see if we can requisition a shuttle craft and a pilot and rendezvous with her ourselves. I guess the other possibility is to hitch a ride on any Starfleet ship heading that way but I don’t expect there will be any.” She chuckled at Hillroy’s look of surprise. “Look chief, the Academy instructors made it perfectly clear to us that if we want to learn our jobs and become real officers the most important first step was to find a CPO whose wing we could nest under. I have every intention of doing that because I know how painfully inexperienced I am. But I’m not an idiot either.”
It was Hillroy’s turn to chuckle. “As the ensign says.”
“Now then.”  Rivers began as he broke into a matching chuckle.  “Where do we go?”
The chief gave a brief glance heavenward before gesturing down the corridor.  “Follow the crowds sir and ye shall find what you seek.”
As the two HOOD officers set out into the crowd Rivers turned to Hillroy.  “So how long have you been chief?”
“Coming up on 20 years now.  Still a long way to go though.”
“Been aboard ships the whole time?”
“I have sir.  Been on the HOOD since she was commissioned, before that ten years on KIROV.  Started off on FEYNMAN.”
Rivers whistled.  “Those are some good ships to have served on chief!”
“That they were.”
“Excuse me ensign.”  A new voice joined the conversation.
Rivers turned to address the voice and came to attention as his eyes noticed the lieutenant commander braid on the red sleeve.  “Ensign Rivers sir.”
“At ease ensign.  I’m Lieutenant Commander Rick Payne, BuPers said you might be heading this way, I’m glad I tracked you down.”
“Yes sir.”  Rivers answered not knowing who this commander was or why he’d be someone looking for a lowly ensign.
“I’ve been assigned to HOOD so I’ll be taking command of the detail you have with you.  I gather you’re trying to get back to your ship.”
“We are sir, the chief and I,”  Rivers gestured to Hillroy, “were on our way to see if we could either find passage on a ship or a place to put up til HOOD came to pick us up.”
“Well I believe I can help with that.  My old ship is still in orbit and Commander Hutcheson has offered to provide ferry service.  How soon can you and your team be ready to go?”
“The rest of the crew is back on the flightdeck, all we need to do is pick them up and we are ready to go.”
“Outstanding.”  Payne said as he turned and began to walk towards the flightdeck with Rivers and Hillroy in tow.
“Um Commander, if you don’t mind me asking sir, what are you being assigned to HOOD as?”
“Don’t mind at all ensign.  For my sins I have been assigned as HOOD’s new chief of security.  I believe you are in my department.”
“Yes sir, I am sir.”
I figure the best way to get a new SEC is to post a NPC one…altho’ that cunning plan hasn’t got us a new HELM yet.
CAPT Jack Steele