ORIGINS: USS Hood May 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Discoveries==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.137
Scene: Engineering
Jack waved to a small repair team who looked up from their console that was in several dozen parts on the deck as he strode in to main engineering.  “Where’s the boss?”  He asked and nodded his thanks at the chief who appeared to be watching her juniors repair the console pointed over to the Chief Engineer’s office.  He paused to take a look at the mayhem on the deck and then looked back at the chief.  “Good luck.” He said with a grim.
“Thanks captain.  I think I need it.”  Shsaid with resignation.
Zane tapped on the door frame as he paused at the entrance to Commander Gar’s office.  “Is this a private party?”
Gar and Commander Merrick looked up the Andorian’s desk terminal where they had been engrossed.  “Afternoon captain.”  Gar said and gestured to a seat. 
“We’re just looking over the fleet update.”  Sean added.  “Do you know Admiral Corrigan?”
Jack dropped into the seat a look of surprise at his first officer’s question.  “Admiral Corrigan, from the Academy,Admiral Corrigan? I know him by reputation, but never met him why?”
“You haven’t seen the update?”
“No, I’ve spent most of the day surveying the kingdom.”  He replied.  Jack liked nothing better to periodically roam the decks of his command stopping into the various departments and crew hotspots whenever he could spare the time.  He felt it was good for morale and even more to the point he enjoyed interacting with the crew.
“He’s just been appointed Fleet Commander.”
“What about Admiral Carstairs?”  Jack asked completely surprised.
“Transferred to BuPers.”
Jack winced at the news.  Carstairs couldn’t be too happy about that.  He knew the admiral had caught a lot of flak about how Jack and Hood had handled the emergency mission to Velorum IV, to say nothing of their public destruction of the space port on Arcturus.  He’d hoped that hadn’t been the cause for Carstairs removal. 
“You hadn’t heard sir?”  Merrick asked surprised.  “I’ll have a talk with Ensign Tamura.”
Jack nodded his thanks.  It wasn’t a huge crisis.  But news like that should have had the new comm. officer contacting the captain directly rather then just forwarding it to all the senior staff.  Fortunately he found out fairly quickly and from his first officer.  That was much less embarrassing then one of the crew mentioning it to him and him having to look back with a blank stare.  Still he’d been an overwhelmed ensign once.  “Well make sure the message gets delivered, but go easy.”
“I’ll try.” Sean grinned.
He looked at Gar and pointed to the terminal.  “May I?”
“Of course.”
“Working.”  Came back the metallic voice.
“Display image Steele Two Seven.”
“Acknowledged.”  The computer replied.
“What do you think of that?”  Jack asked as both men looked at the image that appeared.
Finally Sean spoke.  “It looks like a lamp my Aunt Bertha had in her parlour, with less dust.”
Jack chuckled.  “It does have the family heirloom feel doesn’t it?  That gentlemen is the First Federation Ship FESARIUS.”
“Its frakkin ugly.”  Gar replied as he gave it a second, more appraising look.
“I agree.  It was a first contact with one of our sister ships a few months back.  I just got the report this morning.  Oh and it’s highly classified so it doesn’t leave this room.  But I thought as engineers you’d both be interested.”
“Why?”  Gar answered plainly unimpressed.
“ Computer superimpose an image of USS HOOD on to the image displayed.  Make it to scale.”
Sean whistled as the image changed.  “Its massive.”
Jack nodded.  “Just short of two kilometers in diameter.”
“That’s quite a first contact.  Friendly I hope.”  Gar said.
“Hope so.  The report doesn’t say too much.  But what a chance for that captain and crew to make.”  He added wistfully.  “That’s why we’re out here!”
Harry: Sorry, I hope Sean isn’t too hard on Tamura!  ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Genetic or Environment?==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Genetic or Environment?==