ORIGINS: USS Hood June 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Follow Up==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.155
MD: Between missions
Setting: Chief Engineer's Office, USS HOOD
<<From Scott’s post Trouble Behind, Trouble Ahead>>
Gar leaned back in his chair. "Why don't I know who the First Federation
Steele shrugged. "No one seems to; in fact, had the RUTLEDGE not run across
one of their marker buoys a few days ago, we might not be going to meet them
Merrick glanced at Steele with a raised eyebrow. "Something up?"
Steele nodded. "Seems RUTLEDGE destroyed the marker buoy, and they sent
FESARIUS to investigate. A short skirmish ensued, and RUTLEDGE is now being
'held' by the FESARIUS- literally: they've got RUTLEDGE in a tractor beam,
and she can't break free with the damage she's sustained. And so Starfleet
is sending us."
Gar pursed his lips. "Figures- once again, we're going in to clean up
someone else's mess."
"That's why we get paid the big bucks," Steele quipped.
"How long until we arrive?" Merrick asked.
"Two days- if Gar's engines can sustain warp 6," the Captain replied, eying
the Andorian engineer out of the corner of his eye.
"I'll get you there- you just worry about getting the RUTLEDGE out of
trouble." Gar paused, then added, "I'll get a emergency response team
together to help out, assuming you DO manage to secure RUTLEDGE's release."
Merrick sighed, then, afterwards, allowed a thin smile to cross his lips.
"Well, I suppose it wouldn't be Starfleet if we had any idea of what we're
about to face."
Steele returned the cynical grin. "Truer words were never spoken,
“Why isn’t the original ship that made the first contact responding?”  Merrick asked.
“They’ve moved on to bigger and better things and we are the closest starship to assist.”
“So if they go along with the first ship why jump on Rutledge?”  Gar groused.  “It doesn’t make sense.”
Jack shrugged.  He had asked himself the same questions and didn’t really have any inspiring answers.  “The full report is on the computer.  Basically there was a lot of brinksmanship, bluffing and some good old fashion threats but in the end it appeared that the First Federation’s idea of first contact is to employ some heavy psychological testing to see who they’re talking to.”
“You’d think with a ship that size they could be a bit more trusting.”
“I don’t know.”  Jack replied, “size and power isn’t nearly everything.  As Nero found out.  I’d like to believe that HOOD is up to the same standard.  And lets not jump to any conclusions.  According to the logs the eventual first contact had been very promising this current problem might be the fault of the RUTLEGDE.  Either way its our job to find out and defuse it.”
NRPG: I’m hoping this mission will be more ‘first’ contact/diplomatic then just charging in with phasers, I do like the testing angle….but I have no master plan so we’ll see how it develops.  And we don’t necessarily have to stick to having Balok as the FESARIUS’s captain…or anything that happened in the TOS episode.
Respectfully Submitted,
CAPT Jack Steele

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Nya, I Was Framed!==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Nya, I Was Framed!==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Take Us In==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Take Us In==