ORIGINS: USS Hood September 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGNS] USS HOOD: The First Discovery==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD 2260.272
MD: 5.1300
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Captain’s Log supplemental,
Commander Merrick and the Landing Party have just signaled they have successfully beamed down to the planet surface and are enroute to the dig site.  As a precaution Sean decided to materialize one kilometer away in the hopes that should there be anything dangerous they will have time to react rather then dropping into the middle of things.  If there is something nasty down there I hope the team’s personal tricorders are able to detect it but I’m far from convinced they will.  Dr Corbett and Lieutenant Hemux spent the better part of the day scouring over sensor readings and beaming down a multitude of probes and test kits.  Unfortunately we have not discovered a trace of where the archeological team has disappeared too, or what may have caused the initial panic.  In the end it looks like the Mark One Eyeball will be the test that counts.  Hopefully.
As for the rest of us we’re using our time to conduct scans of this system.  It is remarkable in its uniqueness and the science departments are all fighting each other for sensor time.  At least they have something to do.  This waiting for results may kill me.
End log.
Scene: Planet Surface
Crewman Gene Lowl was like a kid on his birthday.  This was his first Landing Party duty and it was everything he thought it would be.  They were alone out in the middle of nowhere, scouting through a strange world trying to solve an unsolvable puzzle.  And he was part of the team that would do it.  As a security officer his primary function was scouting and defence but Commander Merrick had made it clear that his opinions and thoughts carried as much weight as the medical and science members of the team.  He didn’t want to let the X/O down and he really wanted to be the one to discover something important first so he was doing his best to keep his eye on his tricorder and the terrain ahead.  As if on cue his tricorder beeped and he quickly brought up the report. 
“Commander!”  He said coming to a halt and turning back to look down the dry river bed.  “I’m picking up three humanoid bodies 50 meters ahead.  They’re given off readings I don’t really understand but it looks like their dead sir.”
Two minutes later a crouching Dr.  Corbett looked up at Sean.  “It seems I have to concur with Mr. Lowl’s diagnosis.  These poor bastards have been dead for several days.”
“What killed them doctor?”  Merrick asked.
Stile rose from his crouch and snapped his tricorder closed.  “I have no idea.”
Hi gang, the short version:  We had a good start, don’t let it die out now. POST!
I hope to get another one out before Friday as I will be away from The 2nd through to the 15th.  Not there will be anything that can’t wait but should there be some sort of crisis then Brian will provide the answers.  J
And in case I didn’t mention it:  POST!
Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele