ORIGINS: USS Hood September 2009: Difference between revisions

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Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Briefing Continues==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.251
MD: 2.1430
Scene: Conference Room
Hemux projected a planet "This is Velorum IV. The red dot near the equator is the colony. Star fleet decided to set up a permanent colony to investigate Velorum IV and the star system. That colony was there for almost two years and doing permanent archeological digs and excavations. Everything seemed normal, they reported regularly, there where numerous objects they found and tried to classify and so on."
A image of a huge pyramid was shown and she pointed to it "This is what I think causes the problem: the last confirmed report before the distress call was that they had found an unusual object : a 400 feet high pyramid shaped building, floating a few feet above the floor. No traces of any energy field, anti -grav units or engines that kept it floating... The head of the archeological team, Dr Barton Fisk, reported they where going to penetrate what seemed to be the entrance and gain access to the pyramid. And the rest, well I guess we all know the rest..."
ARr'Rhiana turned of the projection and turned on the lights again. "That is what I could dig up in the archives and files from Star Fleet. Some parts of of the Velorum files are classified and sealed to Alpha - level security only. Any questions ?" she said and sat down again on her chair.
“Did the pyramid just appear?”  The captain asked.  “I mean I know it’s a big world but you’d think they’d notice a 400 foot pyramid.”
Hemux nodded.  “The planet has been scanned numerous times both by this expedition and the previous.  The problem is that most of the planet, including the area in question, is generally cloud covered.  Add to that the lack of any type of emissions coming from it and it would be extremely hard to see especially if you aren’t looking for it.”  She raised a hand to halt Jack’s next question.  “According to the team’s report they did begin to re-examine the past planetary scans to see if they missed it or if it wasn’t there but by the looks of it they only did a quick scan they were more interested in conducting their tests on the structure itself.”
Jack frowned at that.  He supposed he couldn’t blame them but he’d like to know if the pyramid was an ancient structure or if it had appeared recently.
“Any chance of cracking out the Alpha files.’  The first officer asked.
Jack nodded.  “I’ve sent in the request but so far no specific responses.”
“Specific response?”
“I get the impression that a number of the higher ups know something but officially they don’t.  I can’t seem to narrow it down to a branch that even wants to admit to putting the classification on.  Our fleet commander has jumped in with both feet.  But for now we need to operate on the assumption that we’re going to have to go in blind.”
“Hopefully the archeological team will be able to fill in the blanks.” 
“If any of them still live.”  Gar added.  They all hoped that members of the team had survived what ever disaster had struck.  But after repeated hails since the initial distress call there had only been silence.
All: Feel free to add your characters thoughts or questions or add additional info.
Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele