ORIGINS: USS Hood September 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: I Swear its True==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.247
MD: 2.0630
Scene: Captain’s Quarters
            Jack rolled over and groaned.  Apparently tequila and vodka didn’t mix.  Or at least didn’t mix as well as they used to when he was younger.  Swinging his feet around he dragged himself out of bed and headed for the sonic shower.  It was tempting to head down to the gym and indulge in a real shower with real hot water but the thought was too embarrassing.  The gym would be busy and he didn’t want the crew to see their commanding officer hung over.  Likewise he had no plans to head down to sickbay to have the doctor alleviate the pain.  It was a matter of pride.  Besides it wasn’t that bad, certainly Sean and Stile had to be feeling worse. 
The shower over he pulled on his uniform.  Heading out into the corridor he turned for the officer’s mess.  Some breakfast and coffee would do the trick.
“I’m telling you my buddy’s on the ship and he saw it.”  An excited young ensign was telling his table mate as Steele walked in.
“Let me get this straight this creature can change itself into anyone and it eats salt.  Sucks it right of your body?”  He asked incredulously.
“My buddy saw it.”  The ensign answered.  “Its got these long hands, paws, I don’t know what’d you call them.  Anyway they’re covered in these things that look like suction cups.  They suck the salt right out of you and you’re dead.”
“Rogers you are so gullible its sad.”  His table mate said as he shook his head.
“My buddy wouldn’t lie.”
“Well I’ll tell you one thing, if we run into one of those things it can suck my phaser.”
Jack tried his best not to spill his coffee as he chuckled at the response.  The even funnier thing was he’d seen the report and new the ensign’s story was more or less true.  He shuddered at the thought as he took a seat at a table with the Chief Engineer.  “Morning.”
“Good morning captain.  A pleasant sleep?”
“Pleasant enough.”  Jack lied.  “How’s things in engineering?”
Scott: Tag
Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele
==USS HOOD: older then old...==
===by David Martens===
SD: 2260.247
MD: 2.1430
Scene: USS HOOD, Ready Room
Hemux nodded to the rest of the Senior Officers gathered. It had been more then
a day since they had received the distress call from Velorum IV and she had done
some research on the colony ands the Velorum system. She had asked the Captain
for a meeting to share her findings withg the rest of the officers.
She gave them a big smile "Thank you for comming. AS you all know we have
received a distress call from the colony on Velorum IV. Since this is not a
typical star system I wanted to share our knowledge with the rest of you."
The room turned dark and a tri - D hologram showed up in the centre of the
table, it showed a star system from a distance. In the centre a big star was
shining nearly blue - white, around it circled no less then 16 planets.
"This is the Velorum system, it's a binary system, this means a star system
consisting of two stars orbiting around their common center of mass. The
brighter star is called the primary and the other is known as the companion or
secondary star."
The image zoomed in on the binary stars in the centre "Alpha Velorum is the
biggest and brightest star, it is a type B star, a sub - giant. Beta Velorum
is the companion star and a type F star. This also implicates that the system's
radiation levels are much higher then those in the Earths Solar system. For the
helm and the safety of the crew it means we should keep a great distance between
the ship and the sun." She waved her hand to the doctor "I am sure the doctor
can give us more details on the risks for our health and the precautions we
should take."
(tag Steve)
Hemux zommed out again to show the whole star system. "Velorum has 16 planets,
the three closest to the sun are gas giants and inhabitable, then we have
Velorum IV, a earthlike planet, meaning it consist mostly of rubble and stones,
has an atmosphere and contains water. And then again we have two more gas
giants to hot for life."
"Wait a minute." One of the officer interupted her "I am not a scientist, but
if there are five gas giants on a row, all to hot for life and then suddenly in
the middle, there is a earthlike planet, thne something is not right."
She smiled and have him a smile "That's a perfect conclusion, a kiss from the
teacher, that would be me, and a drink after this meeting! Indeed, under any
normal situation this is impossible. Hemux too a PADD and read "...the first
conclusion in our investigation is that this is an artificial planet, created by
unknown means and with unknown technology..."
That was the conclusion of the first deep space exploration team that discovered
Velorum IV. Later expeditions found the remnants and ruins of a highly
sophisticated civilisation. Initial it was placed no less then 150,000 years
ago, but closer and more detailed research has placed this even near the 200,000
years old."
Murmurs and rumours spread across the room "Are you serious ? You mean they
lived two hundred millennia ago?"
Again ARr'Rhiana nodded "no, the ruins where that old, traces of the
civilisation showed that it had been there at least 50,000 years, blooming and
thriving. Then all the sudden it ended, disappeared. No traces of violence, no
bombs, no signs of war or an attack from an unknown race. It seemed as if
civilisation ended and stopped from one day on the other."
Hemux projected a planet "This is Velorum IV. The red dot near the equator is
the colony. Star fleet decided to set up a permanent colony to investigate
Velorum IV and the star system. That colony was there for almost two years and
doing permanent archeological digs and excavations. Everything seemed normal,
they reported regularly, there where numerous objects they found and tried to
classify and so on."
A image of a huge pyramid was shown and she pointed to it "This is what I think
causes the problem: the last confirmed report before the distress call was
that they had found an unusual object : a 400 feet high pyramid shaped building,
floating a few feet above the floor. No traces of any energy field, anti -grav
units or engines that kept it floating... The head of the archeological team,
Dr Barton Fisk, reported they where going to penetrate what seemed to be the
entrance and gain access to the pyramid. And the rest, well I guess we all know
the rest..."
ARr'Rhiana turned of the projection and turned on the lights again. "That is
what I could dig up in the archives and files from Star Fleet. Some parts of of
the Velorum files are classified and sealed to Alpha - level security only. Any
questions ?" she said and sat down again on her chair.
Hi All,
Some information about the Velorum system and adding some things to the
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux