ORIGINS: USS Hood September 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Always Wear a Bio-suit==
SD: 2260.246
===by Steve Apple===

SD: 2260.245

Scene: Captain Steele's Cabin

Scene: Colony Velorum-4, Archeological Dig
"Steele here." Jack said as he jabbed the white comm button with his thumb in response to the page.
The pyramid rose 400 feet in the air. The structure was truly an awesome site to the Federation Archeological Team who had found it and thought of it as a gateway to understanding the Ancients who had once inhabited this planet.
Barton Fisk the chief archeologist for the colony was pacing, his excitement and impatience were overwhelming him. He wanted to get inside that structure as soon as possible, but he understood that the excavation crew had to make sure it was safe.
“Dr. Fisk we’ve reinforced the outer structure of the door, but thought it only appropriate that you break the seal.” The crew chief said.
“Oh Bart, it’s just like being Howard Carter at the Tomb of King Tut.” The sweet feminine voice said. 
“Much better than that Alicia, Carter only unearthed a human pharaoh. I’m opening up a whole new alien culture.” He said as he took the laser hammer from the crew chief.

With assistance from the chief Fisk was able to bore through the rock of the seal. Immediately air rushed out pushing all who were close to the entrance against the rough stone of the pyramid.
[Merrick here captain.  We've just received a transmission from USS VALIANT.]

When the dust had settled the excavation crew chief looked over at Fisk. “I wasn’t expecting that to happen.”
"Pipe it down here Sean."

“What I didn’t expect was that the air smelled fresh. It should have been foul as it has been locked away for centuries.” Fisk replied.
[On its way. Bridge out.]

“I don’t know about that doc.” The chief said. “It smelled like it did on the colony ship, stale and recycled.
Once the computer had finished decrypting it Jack dropped into his desk chair and called up the transmission.  "Damn."  He said before reading it through a second time in case he had missed anything. Little chance of that he thought to himself, the orders were fairly terse and as was usually the case, without explanation.  He hit the comm button again.  "Bridge."

Fisk ignored the comment and tossed a glow stick into the chamber, lighting it. What he could see through the whole was amazing.  
[Bridge here.]  Commander Merrick replied instantly. No doubt he was curious about the communique.

“What’s it look like inside Bart?” Alicia asked trying to push her way past the excavation crew.  
"Commander lay in an intercept course for VALIANT best speed.   I'll meet you and Mr. Ventura in Conference  One in five minutes.  Steele out."

“It’s amazing; its opulence is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. It makes the tombs of the pharos pale in comparison.” He said as he stepped back and let the excavation crew open the rest of the doorway.

Fisk made sure that he was the first to enter the tomb, as he stepped across the threshold the inner chamber illuminated on its own.
Scene: Conference Room One

When the captain arrived he found Sean and Chance already seated.  "Whats our ETA Commander?"

Scene: CMO’s Office, USS HOOD
"We'll rendezvous with VALIANT in 6 hours 32 minutes.    Problem sir?"

Corbett sat in his office with Sean Merrick; between them were two bottles of tequila, one empty and the other slightly less than half full. Both men were leaning back in their chairs, feet propped on the desk enjoying cigars.
"Just some Starfleet bureacracy at work I'm afraid."  He took his seat and looked at his helm officer.  "It seems Mr. Ventura that you've been transfered."

“I tell you what Sean, that Lt. Yarith when not in panic mode is quite the passionate woman.” Corbett said blowing out a smoke ring.
"Transferred captain?"  The young officer asked confused. "I don't understand."

“It seemed to me that she hated you.” Merrick replied
"Nor do I.  My orders are to rendezvous with USS VALIANT where we will take on one Lieutenant Li Chen who will assume the role of Chief Helmsman.  As for you Mr. Ventura you will transfer to VALIANT where you will presumably receive your new orders."  Jack paused for a moment then leaned forward.  "You didn't put through a transfer request without me knowing did you Chance?"

“There is a fine line between love and hate sar, but in all truth I think she dug my hat.
"No sir.  I'm surprised as you are.  I have no desire to leave HOOD."

“Stile please tell me you didn’t wear that while you…”
"And I have no desire to lose you but it seems Starfleet's desires trump our own."  Jack Stood and the Chance and Sean followed suit.  "Very well.  Consider yourself off duty as of now.  You can gather your belongings and say your goodbyes.  We'll meet in the transporter room once we make the rendezvous point.

“Sar a gentleman does not speak of such things.” Corbett answered.
“So where does that leave you.” The sarcastic voice said as the door to Corbett’s office swished open.
“Captain Jack, it is always a pleasure to entertain our CO.” Corbett said not missing a beat.

“Jack” Sean said with a nod.
Scene: Transporter Room

“I see you two are comfortable.” Steele said smiling and gave a slight nod toward the bottle.
The VALIANT is signaling they're ready for transport."  Chief Gillis announced.                                        

“Where are my manners,” Corbett said handing the bottle to Steele. “I am sure the burden of command has left you parched.
Jack looked up at the pad where Chance stood with his duffell. "Good luck Mr. Ventura."

Steele took a healthy swig from the bottle then said. “I’m glad you’re both here though. We just received an automated distress call from the colony on Velorum 4. They have a medical emergency”
"You too sir."

“Did they say what the nature of that emergency is?” Corbett asked sobering a bit.
"Energize."  Steele ordered.

“It seems several members of the colony including their doctor have died of an unknown virus.” Steel answered then took another pull from the bottle. “The problem is that the message was bizarre.
Seconds later Li Chen stepped down off the pad. "Permission to come aboard."

“Do you think it’s a hoax, maybe a distraction tactic from the Klingons?” Merrick asked.  
"Permission granted.  I'm Captain Jack Steele, welcome aboard lieutenant."

“I don’t think so Sean. The message was very strange to say the least. The comm. tech sounded like he could barely talk, but he managed to get out that the doctor was trying to reach someone named Hutchinson just before he died. Make any sense to you doc?” Steele asked.
"Thank you sir. I'm glad to be here."

“Unfortunately no, can you have that message sent down here?” Corbett asked as he pushed his hat to the back of his head.
"My first officer Commander Merrick."  Steele gestured to Sean.  "Commander I'll leave the lieutenant in your capable hands.  In the meantime I'll head back to the bridge and get us back on course."

Steele went to activate the comm. unit on Corbett’s desk, but thought better about it and hit the audio only button instead. He didn’t want any junior officers to see these two, half drunk and smoking cigars. “Steele to Bridge.”

“Ensign Baxter here sir.” The Communications Officer said.
Alan: POst when ever you're ready.  Chen's journey here or after the the arrival...whatever works for you. Send to the HOOD yahoo group at and to the ASR  group at  In the subject line please use [ORIGINS]USS HOOD: POST TITLE
“Relay that distress call down to Dr. Corbett’s office. Steele out”
Steele waited a moment until the yellow button on the desk unit began to flash then pushed the button to start the playback.
“This is Velorum,” A man’s voice said then paused as if in thought. “Velorum 4,” after another pause he continued. “Our doctor says we have a medical emergency. Wait that’s not right, our doctor died yesterday, didn’t he.” This time the pause was a little longer than before “I think we need help. People here have a virus and have died. Our doctor is searching for, what was his name Hutchinson, yes that was it. Gil, no it was Gilford Hutchinson.”
Corbett pressed the stop button then turned to Steele. “It only came across an audio message?” He asked.
“Seems strange since they’re only 3 days away at warp 5, but then again these colonies are not always outfitted with the best working systems.” Steele answered.
“Didn’t his voice seem a bit odd?” Merrick asked. “It was almost as if he had to think about where he was.”
“I agree, if I didn’t know there was an age limit for colonists I’d say he was suffering from an advanced form of dementia.” Corbett said.
“Any idea who this Gil Hutchinson is? Is he another doctor?” Steele asked.
“I don’t know,” Corbett replied. “But that name sounds familiar. I just can’t place from where.”
“Well you got 3 days to think about it.” Steele said then took another swig and headed toward the door. “Don’t get too drunk and for God sakes don’t let any junior officers, or enlisted men see you.”

“Aye sir.” They slurred in unison as the door swished closed.
All; Please join me in welcoming our new Helm officer Lieutenant Li Chen played by Alan Tang. Alan has 7 years playing in a variety of Sims so I'm glad to have such an experienced player join our team!

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD
CAPT Jack Steele