ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2009: Difference between revisions

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USS HOOD - NAV Officer
USS HOOD - NAV Officer

==USS HOOD: ==
==USS HOOD: Suckerpunch==
===by ===
===by Scott Lusby===

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Suckerpunch"
Posted by: Scott Lusby (LCDR Gar Th'elenth)
SD: 2260.194
MD: 9.0013
Setting: Main Engineering, O-Deck, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth was ready.
He just hoped his engineers were as well.
They hadn't had much time to do many additional drills since the first
fiasco that had his engineers running into DeSimms' security guys. They'd
had enough time to iron out the rough spots, and he was well pleased with
the progress...he just hoped it was enough.
He watched the alert status lights flash red on his consoles, and on the
walls, and grit his teeth.
At that moment, the ship shuttered lightly.
"Forward shields grazed- no appreciable damage," called one of his men.
Gar simply nodded. He had the ship's status monitor displayed on one of the
large screens in front of him, but he also had a repeater of a tactical
screen on another of his large monitors. He saw the Klingon ship, its icon
glowing the angry red of a hostile target, let loose a hail of disruptor
fire, and saw the HOOD, with its own icon haloed in the soothing green of an
undamaged ship, simply absorb the blows.
The ship had hardly shaken at all.
On the tactical screen, he saw HOOD fire back; at the same time, he noticed
the ambient background noise of Main Engineering begin to grow louder, some
of it from systems drawing more power from the warp cores, some of it from
the din of combat.
The halo surrounding the Klingon ship on his tactical repeater turned
"The Klingon's shields have dropped to 43%!" another of his officers called.
"Forget the Klingon ship!" Gar shouted. "Keep an eye on your boards--"
At that moment, he watched a volley of torpedoes speed away from the Klingon
ship and hit HOOD; the ship shuddered violently around him, knocking several
of his men to the decks.
"That one packed a wallop- forward shields down to 73%; port phaser fire
controls are not responding; #2, 3 and 5 dorsal-port shield generators have
Th'elenth responded immediately. "OK- let's roll out the DamCon teams to
port side, D-deck. Suits for everyone- I don't want anyone dying due to any
sudden decompressions."
Gar knew his DamCon teams should already BE in their suits, but he felt
better reminding them.
Gar could hear still more power being bled away from the warp core, its
rhythmic pulse picking up its pace as a man's heart would during a
long-distance run. He imagined HOOD returning fire, bringing a massive
phaser and photon volley against their foes, first knocking their tortured
shields into submission with the shape-charged antimatter missiles, and then
raking the Klingon's hull with blue-white filaments of phased energy,
punching holes in its skin where no holes should be, destroying their means
to bring destruction upon HOOD.
Then, far quicker than Gar had anticipated (starship combat always WAS
quicker than most people imagine), the HOOD shuddered no more; its warp core
still hummed, but its rhythm slowed some.
Gar looked at his tactical repeater. The enemy ship was moving away from
HOOD quickly, surrounded by the crimson halo of a heavily-damaged ship, HOOD
pursuing and gaining.
And then, suddenly, his tactical repeater changed.
"Uh-oh," Gar muttered.
"It's not over yet! He shouted as two more blips, both colored red by the
ship's tactical computer, appeared from seemingly nowhere.
The HOOD shook violently again.
All- Just giving a little combat perspective from somewhere in the middle of
the ship.
Remember: Gar's in Engineering, and so he's not watching the battle as it
unfolds like the bridge people would be. So there's plenty of room to fill
in with some fancy flying, all sorts of bridge excitement, etc.
I hope that's around what we were thinking, Andy. ;)
I imagine Gar will get quite a bit busier in the next few minutes or so...
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer

==USS HOOD: ==
==USS HOOD: ==