ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2009: Difference between revisions

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==USS HOOD: ==
==USS HOOD: The Chase==
===by ===
===by Dan Genaw===

SD: 2260.164
MD: 9.00:10
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
<<SNIP from Fortune Favors the Bold>>
"Give them hell, Commander."
"You too, Captain."
LCDR Van Hartinger could not afford to watch Commander Merrick leave the bridge, the Klingons were doing something to cover their trail and following with some delay was going to be problemsom.
"Sir," Van said, "If we're going to do this, we need to do it now. The Klingons are doing something to cover their trail and I'm having trouble following them."
Van's voice seemed to snap the Captain back into reality and he punched a button on his chair
[Captain to Transporter Room 2, let me know as soon as all the away teams have beamed down.]
[Yes, Sir. The last of them are beaming down now, they should be clear in just a few seconds.] A voice answered.
[Very well, thank you.] Captain Steele answered. Then he turned his attention to the helm, "Ensign, do you have the course?"
"Yes, Sir." Chance answered, "But it's only to a few lightyears away."
"It's the best I can do for now." Van answered, not even glancing up from his console. "I'll be able to pick up more when we get closer, but we need to go now."
Captain Steele studied his new Nav officer for a moment and had to wonder if putting him as department head for a CONSTELLATION class starship was a good move. Afterall, his last post was as a Chief Surgeon for four years.
"Study me later, Captain." came an impatient retort. "I'm going to lose them."
The Captain punched a button on his chair again, [Steele to Merrick, we're leaving orbit, be back to pick you up, later.]
[Good luck, Sir.] Came the response.
"Ensign," Captain Steele turned his attention back to the helm, "maximum warp."
NRPG: Sorry for the AWOL over the last week, my job came up as kind of a surprise. Anyways, sorry this doesn't give a lot of background for Van, but I'll work it in some of my posts. I'm also up for any JP anybody wants to do.
Dan Genaw
LCDR Van Hartinger
USS HOOD - NAV Officer

==USS HOOD: ==
==USS HOOD: ==