USS MACRONIN Crew Biofiles: Difference between revisions

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Bio Pending
I. Personal Data
First Name: Tad’Ghik
Current Rank: Commander (O-5)
Current Billet: Chief Counselor, USS MACRONIN
Species: Klingon
Gender/Sex: Male
Age: 47
Date of Birth:  SD 23740124 
HGT:  2.0 m; WT:  118.0 kg; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Black
Place of Birth:  Qo’nos
Birth Parents: --Withheld--
Mate:  None
Children:  None 
II.  Educational Background
A.  Academic Institutional Background:
Qo’nos School of Medicine
B.  Service Schools Attended:
Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School
Star Fleet Bridge Officer’s School
C.  Star Fleet Academy Record:
Did Not Attend Starfleet Acadamy
Transfer from Klingon Diplomatic Corps
III.  Biographical Notes
A.  Chronology (tabular form):
SD 23740124    Born on Qo’nos
SD 23920501    Enrolled in Qo’nos School of Medicine
SD 23960431    Graduated Qo’nos School of Medicine
SD 23990924    Joined Klingon Diplomatic Corps
SD 24040315    Charged with kidnapping a Federation Officer, Eventually Aquitted
SD 24050302-Present
    See Official Record
B.  Background Summary:
Despite intense family opposition Tad became a Dr serving time on a number of ships before
joining the Klingon Diplomatic Corps. It was during one of these missions as a member of the
KDC that he met and became involved with Bronwyn Daye who was Counselor on the USS Javelin at
the time. They met under unusual circumstances he kidnapped her under the impression that she
was coming onto him.
"Federation women ! They are so hard too understand . When they say yes they mean no. When they
say no they mean yes ! It was a perfectly understandable mistake. How was I to know that the
woman I thought was coming onto me had an exact double who was a mobile hologram created in
Daye's image. plch vlghajbe' !"
Tad spent a year proclaiming to anyone who would listen it wasn't his fault when he kidnapped
the wrong Daye. Due to a severe accident Daye left the Federation service for awhile and became
Tad's companion. In an unusual move after six years with the KDC Tadghik became a part of a
novel exchange of personnel between Klingon and Starfleet in an attempt to foster better
understanding between the two parties. And he and his companion Daye were called to serve on
the USS Suffolk.
As a Dr, Tad was most efficient, combining his Klingon training with the knowledge he had
gained from being Bronwyn Daye's companion, she was an excellent Counselor and teacher. Her
presence playing a big part in his being chosen as one of the exchange personnel who would
serve on the USS Suffolk.
The exact nature of their complicated friendship was revealed much later when Daye finally left
the Suffolk just after she tried and failed to kill Tad. He was under suspicion for her
disappearance for awhile until it was proved she left of her own free will and was quietly
serving on the USS Khitomer. Later Tad was framed for a murder he did not commit and it was
only after kidnapping hostages with the help of Kaldok that they were able to prove and catch the real perpetrator. He was seriously injured in the incident but recovered after a time. He
was admonished for some of his behavior on board the Suffolk but mitigating circumstances were
taken into account and he was eventually transferred to Earth after a short holiday on his home
Tad spent four years at the Starfleet Sunnyvale Sanitarium on earth; where he also refreshed
his medical training specializing finally as a Counselor. It was decided he needed a new
direction in his life he choose counseling because in a way it seemed to make a crazy kind of
Tad'Ghik started another phase of his Starfleet history having been judged and found sane by his psychiatrist he was posted to the USS CONSTELLATION where under Captain Moozh Natanazi he
discovered that life as a Counselor was full of the unexpected...  hustled in he was given the
position of XO but he felt uncomfortable being in command but still he performed as he was required . Doing the duty of XO and Counselor , he made friends with LTjg Ivan Yugensevich and
Dr LCDR Diamantina DeLeon MD , with whom he had formed an even closer friendship .
It was Dr DeLeon who discovered that Tadghik was carrying the soul of Bronwyn Daye within him.
She had died during a cryogenic failure on board the USS THUNDERCHILD. The fact that she was in
an alternate universe hadn't stopped the empathic metamorph from saving herself by fleeing
through time and space to find sanctuary within Tad'Ghiks mind. It was Dr DeLeon's opinion that
some of his aberrant behaviors were simply the strain of carrying another personality within
his mind. Daye's soul was released at her funeral and Tad'Ghik was finally freed of her presence.
Tad was ousted from the XO position briefly on the Constellation when Nantanzi found herself
under investigation . Continuing on with his Counseling duties and as chance would have it , he
found himself wearing the hat of XO once again on the Constellation when the XO Cmdr Jean Paul
Dumas was given the job of acting Captain. The Constellation was so damaged on her last mission
she ended up in the Mars planetia shipyards where she was to under go an extensive refit that would take over six months .
It has been asked would his friendship with Dr De'Leon have progressed to romance? Possibly given time. Dr De'Leon transferred to the USS CIRCE and they promised each other to keep in touch.
Lt Cmdr Tad'Ghik was the last crew member to leave the Constellation. Called unexpectedly to of all places the Armstrong Luna Base. He looked forward to this new challenge with relish and it was as an Armstrong Luna Base Instructor that he finally found his niche in Starleet. For two
and half years he trained cadets at Armstrong Luna Base and at Holodeck1 stationed on Starbase
Zeta. With the sudden closing of Holodeck1 Tadghik once again finds himself in search of a
place to call home. But he is not alone bringing with him the daughter of the woman he had
loved so many years ago.Wyn Caaraz as his side as his aide along with Cat his pet feline.  A chance to have a home once more was finally granted, as Counselor of the Macronin was offered
to him.  Spending 2 years aboard the ship during its refit, Tad'Ghik was finally promoted to Commander
IV.  Official Star Fleet Record
A.  Promotion History:
SD24050302 Awarded Rank of Lieutenant (O-3)
SD24081123  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
SD24210525  Promoted to Commander (O-5)
B.  Service History:
SD050302    Transferred from Klingon Diplomatic Corp to Starfleet
SD050302    Awarded rank of Lieutenant (O-3)
SD050302    Assigned as Assistant Counselor, USS SUFFOLK
SD081123    Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
SD110620    Committed to Starfleet Sunnyvale Sanitarium on Earth
SD150620    Released from Sunnyvale, deemed fit for duty
SD150825    Assigned as Chief Counselor, USS CONSTELLATION
SD151015    Assigned as Executive Officer, USS CONSTELLATION
SD160325    Assigned as Chief Counselor, USS CONSTELLATION
SD170512    Assigned as Instructor, ARMSTRONG LUNAR BASE
SD190401    Assigned as Chief Counselor, USS MACRONIN
SD210525    Promoted to Commander (O-5)
C.  Medals and Commendations:
SD060302    Awarded Starfleet Achievement Medal
SD100302    Awarded Starfleet Commendation Medal
SD120302    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal
D.  Reprimands:
V.  Skills Profile
VI.  Recent Fitness Report
---Results in Progress---
VII.  Psychological Profile
Quick to temper
Acts first , thinks later
Mood swings
Team player , so long as he wins.
Pet have a phaser pointed at him...just because he's a Klingon...
Letter of Reference.
I have gotten to know Lt Tad'Ghik well over the last four years . It took him a little while to settle down into his position here at Sunnyvale but with perseverance he soon became a joy and
a pleasure to have around and eventually on staff. Although he is quick to temper and has a bad
disposition early in the morning , sometimes late in the afternoon ; let's be honest any bloody
time of the day . He is quick to get over his erratic mood swings . As a counselor I have found
him to be thoughtful and understanding .
He has a unique way with the patients and they soon learn to adjust to the idiosyncrasies of a Klingon Counselor. He has an unusual perspective on mental health . I am sure you will find him an invaluable asset on your staff.
Yours Faithfully
Head Counselor
Lt Cmdr Bob Cullen
Sunnyvale Sanitarium
Letter of Reference 2
Over this past year in my first posting on a starship I have had the good fortune of finding
myself in the esteemed company of Lt Cmdr Tad'Ghik. After a rather auspicious start to our
friendship , this of  course happening because of a perceived demotion in rank and  subsequent feelings of humiliation all of which were proven incorrect. Klingon pride being what it is the
result was an attempted suicide. Needless to say after a nice little chat while he was
recovering from surgery , he realised that no humiliation was intended by his superior and has
shown no desire to repeat same. This was after all merely a statement of Klingon pride and
should be viewed as such , no more and no less.
His willingness to lead where necessary and follow accordingly without question , providing the
orders do not contravene federation doctrine , will be to great advantage to whom ever is most
fortunate  to acquire this skilled and practical Fleet officer. Not only is he a  doctor and
counselor but with his command training and experience , he is to be considered as a well
rounded individual.
Any past mention as to his mental health has been found to be invalid as we were able to prove
that he did indeed harbor the soul of a deceased person within his consciousness. Since then
the deceased consciousness  of Lt Bronwyn Daye has since passed over to the other side leaving
Lt Cmdr Tad'Ghik with just his own thoughts once more.
I personally will sorely miss this thoughtful and understanding person and wish him good fortune and luck in everything he endeavors. I am certain that you will find him an invaluable asset to your staff.
Yours Faithfully
LCDR Diamantina D’Leon
Chief Medical Officer, USS CIRCE
VIII.  Current Recreational Interests