ORIGINS: USS Hood June 2009: Difference between revisions

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LCDR Sean Merrick
LCDR Sean Merrick

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Cleanup in Aisle Everywhere"==
===by [[Lusby_Scott|Lusby, Scott]]===
SD: 2260.168
MD: -5.1314
Setting: Main engineering, O-Deck, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth was in a decidedly POOR mood. And, as he
rubbed his pale-blue head, it was not getting any better.
So far, in his first few days as the Chief of Engineering, he's had two crew
injured- one serious enough to put him out of commission for several weeks-
and cascading failures of terminals, EPS taps and junctions all over the
Surely the gods must be testing him...
A few good things came out of everything, however: first and most
importantly, they learned that they had a top-notch doctor amongst them.
Which, on a starship, was good to know.
Secondly, Gar continued to muse, the cascading failure of systems and taps
ended up being a simple explanation: Cory Campbell.
Th'elenth had wanted to tear the sorry excuse for an officer apart for
accidentally activating the ship's 'chaos system'- no small feat seeing as
how the button to activate the system was under one of those ubiquitous
clear plastic shields. True, not the most fool-proof of systems, but still
not easy to accidentally set off.
Of course, now he would make certain the system could not be set off by
accident again- especially if Cory Campbell was going to continue to be
working in the same area.
He glanced down at the tablet in front of him: the repair schedule, and it
was full. The DamCon teams were not very happy at all, but Gar managed to
turn the whole matter into a combat exercise, so at least there was
something productive there as well: his teams would be well-drilled in
combat damage control procedures...
At that moment, Th'elenth's stomach growled. Without a second thought, he
dropped the tablet onto his desk, and lifted himself from his chair. He
walked out of his office, and called to his assistant. "I'm at lunch- don't
bother me unless the ship's about to explode."
As he walked through the doors of engineering and into the corridor, there
was a part of him that thought that that exact occurrence might just happen.
MD: -5.1326
Setting: Officer's Mess, D-Deck, USS HOOD
Gar walked through the doors and into the mess hall, hoping that perhaps a
nice bite to eat would improve his disposition.
He ordered his food; when it came out, he brought the plate up to his nose,
and inhaled deeply, grinning.
"And what are you grinning at today, Gar?" ARr'Rhiana Hemux asked, mimicking
his won grin.
"I acquired a taste for le-matya chops several years ago," he said. "Can't
get'em any more, but fortunately the food replicators have them in their
program." He paused, shrugging. "Not quite the same as the real thing, you
understand, but an acceptable alternative- especially after the couple of
days we've had."
Hemux nodded. "I hear that," she said as she ordered her lunch.
The two of them sat at an empty table and, in between morsels of meat,
vegetables and starches, had an interesting conversation about nothing in
By the time lunch was over, Gar was in a decidedly better mood.
<Dave? Care to add anything? Specifics of the conversation? Warp
theories? :) >
All- Just getting something short out before we get into our mission. :)
Respectfully submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer