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Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele
CAPT Jack Steele

==[Origins] USS HOOD: Bootleggers Revenge==
===by [[Apple_Steve|Apple, Steve]]===
SD: 2260.160
MD: -6.1800
Scene: CMO's Office, USS Hood
</Snip from Captain Steele's All in a Day's Work>
"I officially have to investigate the complaint against you.  But judging
from that bottle I don't think it will take us too long to get rid of the
evidence." Steele said smiling.
"I wouldn't worry about it too much." Corbett said pouring them both
another glass.
Steele gave the doctor a quizzical look as he sipped his third glass.
"And why is that?"
"I have a feeling Mr. Maxwell's complaint will be met with a great deal of
skepticism. I noticed he wasn't looking very well during our landing
approach." Corbett said smiling. "In fact he seemed quite shaky."
"Not because you did anything to him, correct doctor?" Steele asked.
"Sar I'm a man of medicine anything I do is strictly in the interest of
public health." Corbett said flashing another toothy grin as he sipped
from his own glass. "I took the liberty of contacting one of the Flight
Surgeons at Starbase 27, an old Med-Academy roommate of mine, which is
neither here nor there. Anyway I just happened to mention that Mr. Maxwell
appeared to have what seemed to me a case of Andronesian Encephalitis. 
Well wouldn't you know it he agreed with me and has quarantined our young
Corbett saw the Captains face and put up a hand. "Oh don't worry I had the
Science Department do a sensor sweep of the ship and she's clean. It's
logged in my official medical report. As for Mr. Maxwell he'll be fine.
The illness is quite harmless and very treatable, but it does lend itself
to delusions and hallucinations. Unfortunate, but anything the man has
seen and done over the last 72 hours is definitely questionable."
Steele tried not to smile at his new doctor. The man was as they had said
very much a character. "Ah huh, well from my end I don't see any evidence
that his allegations were true." Steele said pouring off the rest of the
bottle into their glasses.
"I never had a doubt sar. Good tequila never lasts very long." Corbett
said raising his glass.
"No it never does." Steele agreed.
"On another note I am concerned about what happened today. There was no
excuse for it." Corbett said his voice tinged with anger
"It was an accident." The Captain said not sure where this was going. "In
fact Gar is trying to get to the bottom of it as we speak."
"I wasn't talking about the accident, no one could have foresee such a
thing happening. I'm talking about the trauma team. My medics are good
men, but their response time today was unacceptable."
"I won't second guess you doctor, but it seemed to me they got to
Engineering just a minute or two after we did."
"As far as an emergency is concerned they were late. I don't ever want to
see treatment delayed to any patient on this ship."
"I take it you're going somewhere with this?" Steele asked.
"Yes I am. I've looked over the ship's crew roster and I found that a few
departments have personnel who have qualified as medics. The trouble is
they're not in key departments. I want to cross train personnel from
Engineering, Auxiliary Control, and the Bridge as medics. I want someone
around who can render aid until me, or one of my team gets there. It
could be the difference between life and death for the crew and the ship."
"I agree that it would be useful to have a medic in those departments, go
ahead and start your cross training program as long as it doesn't
interfere with their primary duties.
"That's fair. One other thing before you head out Captain. How much combat
do you think this ship will see?"
"I don't really know. It would be nice to think we will be on peaceful
missions of exploration, but we both know that may not always be the
case." Steele said then chiding him. "Why doctor don't tell me you're
afraid of a little phaser fire."
"Pasers, no."  Corbett said shaking his head. "Transporters now that's a
different story entirely."
"So why the combat question?" Steele asked
"After my teams performance today I want to make sure my department and
every department on this ship knows what to do in a mass casualty
situation. I'd like to run a mass casualty drill and usurp some cargo
bay space as a mock triage and holding area."
"Again that's a reasonable request, one we should implement as soon as
possible. I'll let the senior staff know I'm in agreement. However, the
department heads may have some questions for you." Steele replied.
"I welcome the exchange sar. I never want anyone to say I wasn't
thinking about the crew and fell down medically."
"Quite the contrary doctor," Steele said pushing his chair back and
standing. "Medically I've heard you're one of the best and given what
I've seen I have to agree with them; however ethically…"
"Yes, yes I know." Corbett said interrupting him. "My moral character
flaws could be used as a template for the most ruthless of badly behaved
"So you know the rumors." Steele said smiling and headed for the door.
"Night doctor and it's good to have you aboard."
"Thank you Captain." Corbett said as the door to his office closed then
added to himself. "I just hope neither of us regrets it."
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
MED, USS Hood NCC-1703