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Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD:New Beginnings and Old Baggage==
by [[Apple_Steve|Apple, Steve]]
Scene: Deck R: Shuttlebay, USS Hood
Corbett awoke to the jolt as the shuttle craft hit the harddeck. "Smooth landing
there Slick." He said as he lifted his cowboy hat from his face and put it back
on his head.
"Sorry Sir, I usually don't hit the hanger bay that hard, but for some reason I
seem to be just a bit anxious today." Lieutenant James Maxwell his shuttle pilot
said apologetically.
Corbett just nodded, a small smile of satisfaction playing on his lips. Turning
to the shuttle craft hatch he waited until the light on the control panel turned
green, acknowledging that the deck had repressurized. Hitting the hatch button
he waited for the hiss of equilibration and the door to smoothly glide open.
Stepping onto the deck he saw a red skirted Ensign immediately come to
attention. . Pushing his hat to the back of his head he smiled at the young
woman. "You best be careful there miss, snapping to attention like that can be
hard on the spine."
The Ensign's face was aghast with horror at Corbett's words. "Sir that is not
the proper protocol for coming aboard ship." She said in a tone that was
definitely meant as a reprimand.
He took a moment to look over the young woman. She definitely fills out her
uniform nicely; he thought and she looks damn good in those boots too. "I am
sorry, where are my manners, I'm the new ships doctor, Stile Corbett at your
service ma'am." He said taking his hat off and sweeping the floor in an
exaggerated bow.
"Sir, the proper procedure is to state your rank, name and request permission to
come aboard." She said trying not to smile at the man's eccentric behavior.
Corbett saw that slight smile and said. "Where I come from miss that is the
proper procedure a gentleman uses to introduce himself to a beautiful young
lady; however, in the interest of moving things along I'll also add the words
permission to come aboard."
"Permission granted." She said then added. "Welcome aboard Doctor, if you'd like
I'll have the cargo crew deliver your personnel effects to your cabin."
"Thank you kindly, and please tell them to be careful with the large trunk its
contents are very fragile."
"Yes doctor. Also I'm to tell you that you are scheduled to meet the Captain in
his Ready Room in one hour, but until then would you like me to show you the
"I'd like nothing better, Miss?" He asked.
"Janice Powers," she said then added "I've never had anyone give me a bow
"Such the pity, a truly beautiful woman as yourself should be afforded every
courtesy." He said
"Communications to Dr. Corbett." Came a metallic voice over the hangerbay's
Corbett looked around for a com switch.
"It's on the wall over there." She said pointing it out for him.
Corbett walked over to the wall and hit the switch. "Corbett here," he said
"Doctor there is a private transmission from Star Fleet Medical coming in for
you in twenty minutes."
"Thank you; have it directed to my quarters if you please."
"Yes sir, Communications out."
"There goes your tour," she said with a slight frown then added. "By the way
your quarters are on E deck."
"Alas duty must come first," He said then smiled and added. "But I do hope I'll
be seeing more of you in the future Miss Powers."
"It's a small ship sir." She said as she walked away.
Corbett could have sworn when she saw he was watching her that her walk got a
little bit sexier. "I think I'm gonna like this assignment." He said to himself
as he went in search of his quarters.
Scene: Deck E: Chief Medical Officers Quarters, USS Hood
The door slid open admitting Corbett to his new residence. "Nice digs," he
thought as he looked around. His quarters consisted of a large two room suite,
with separate sleeping and work areas. While spacious it was utilitarian in
The bleep from the comm. unit on his desk sounded alerting him to his call.
Corbett sat at his desk and pushed the transmit toggle. Immediately the screen
lit up with the words "Star Fleet Medical" and its accompanying caduceus logo
centered below.
The logo screen soon faded and was replaced by the face of a white and black
striped Caitian male.
"Captain Samastu Rawl," Corbett said smiling at the Caitian. "What possible
honor do I owe the pleasure of such a call from the surgeon to the Federation
"Stile it's nice to see you," the Caitian said smiling then his voice took on a
grave tone "However, I'm afraid this is not a social call."
"Alright Sam, I'll bite. What's up?" Corbett asked sobering.
"Old enemies have resurfaced Stile and your name has not been forgotten."
Corbett could feel his stomach tighten at the Captain's words. "I had thought
with the destruction of Vulcan and my return from medical exile that the
situation must have stabilized."
"I'm afraid not, unfortunately the situation has actually worsened." The Caitian
"How bad is it Sam?"
"We believe that a faction within what remains of the Vulcans will be coming
after you shortly and try to kill you"
"That's absurd Vulcans don't come after people, or try to kill them." Corbett
said more for himself than the Caitian.
"Make no mistake Stile if the Vulcans feel they have a logical reason to kill
they can and will do so very efficiently. We had thought that with the
destruction of Vulcan and moving you to a remote outpost like Cestus III that in
time the matter would be forgotten. But the remaining Vulcans are beginning to
reassert themselves back into Federation politics and now more than ever they
can't afford the knowledge you harbor to become public."
"So what am I supposed to do about this Sam?"
"Stile why do you think you were assigned the position of Chief Medical Officer
aboard a top fleet star ship like the Hood?" The Caitian asked.
"I assumed that my charm and good looks had a very positive effect on that young
Lieutenant from the Bureau of Personnel." Corbett said trying to lighten the
mood although his internal anxiety was at a fevered pitch.
The Caitian laughed and shook his head. "I do like you Stile, you were always
one of my favorite students and unfortunately you were also one of my biggest
headaches. How genius and defiant stupidity reside in the same being I'll never
know. Well you got the position because I pulled a lot of strings to get you
assigned to the Hood."
"Given what you just said Sam I'm not sure that I want the job now, this is a
high profile position, one in which they can attack me at any time."
"That's exactly why you were placed there. It's that high profile position that
may save your life. How easy do think it would be assassinate a medical officer
at an outpost in the middle of nowhere."
"I see your point." Corbett said.
"The Vulcans are extremely logical and know that attacking a senior officer of a
Constitution class star ship would open a board of inquiry and that would
attract attention to them, attention they don't want."
"OK so they make it seem like an accident."
"I know you're not that ignorant Stile. Any accident that results in a death
especially on that class of ship will also cause a board of inquiry to
investigate and possibly expose them.
"So they just hire someone else to do it for them." Corbett replied.
"They won't hire someone else as this is a matter of personal honor to them."
"Damn it Sam, I can't live like this. Why don't I just go public with what I
know and be done with it. Then the only reason for the Vulcans to kill me would
be for revenge and that is an emotional motivation contrary to their
"Stile we've been over this, if you disclose anything, the consequences of such
would be devastating to what's left of the entire race and you know that.
Besides I don't believe your personal code of ethics would allow it, even to
save your own life."
"What about telling them that if anything happens to me, accidental or otherwise
the knowledge I have will be disclosed."
The Caitian sighed. He knew this was a lot for one person to bear. "What do you
propose Stile, putting it into a diary or on a computer diskette? If anyone
found it, the same disclosure would affect the entire race, so that won't work
"Alright what about a mind meld to make me forget what I know?" Corbett asked.
"The information would still be in your head just not accessible to your
conscious mind." The Caitian said then added. "It would still be attainable by
other means."
"So I'm to just sit here and act like nothing's wrong, is that it?" He asked.
"Yes and no. For now you go about the business of being the Chief Medical
Officer it's the safest place for you at the moment, but be on your guard. In
the meantime I will work with others who think highly of you to try and see if
we can resolve this issue." The Caitian said and then added when he saw
Corbett's face. "Yes believe it or not there are others who think highly of you
despite your personality."
Corbett heard the alarm chime from the chronograph on his desk go off signaling
he had ten minutes until his appointment with Captain Steele.
"Sam I'm scheduled to meet my CO in ten minutes and I should let him know about
"Jack Steele is a good man and an outstanding officer, but disclosing this
information puts him and his ship in danger. I have put myself at great risk to
get you this position and warn you of the eminent threat to your life. The
Vulcans don't know they have a leak in their security, which is being fed
directly to me. If your Captain involves himself in any way then the Vulcans
will no doubt discover this leak and many beings will be compromised. Right now
you alone are their focus and it isn't logical to kill innocents. Better you
keep this to yourself and let me try to work it out. I want your word on this
"You have my word Sam, I'll keep it quiet, but if the Vulcans in anyway deviate
from me and threaten this ship or its crews safety I will make a full disclosure
to the Captain."
"I would expect nothing less from you. Be careful and call me immediately if
anything suspicious occurs."
"I will my friend, I will." Corbett said staring at the now blank screen.
The alarm chime of the chronograph sounded again alerting him that he now had
five minutes before his appointment with the Captain. Quickly he asked the
computer for directions and headed out the door.
Scene: E-Deck, Captains Ready Room, USS Hood
Corbett found himself in front of the door to the Captains Ready Room with a
minute to spare. Pushing the door chime he waited for the Captains to give him
permission to enter...
<Tag Captain Steele>
All I just wanted to add a bit of fun and mystery to Corbett's backstory, not
trying to create a major plot line. Anyway I'm at your door Andy, have mercy
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Dr. Stile Corbett, CMO, USS HOOD NCC-1703