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===IT3 Jaden Tor, Procurement Specialist===
===IT3 Jaden Tor, Procurement Specialist===
* Played by [mailto:kael@inbox.com Rob Meier]
* Played by [mailto:kael@inbox.com Rob Meier]
* Updated 210107

FULL NAME:       Jaden Tor
CURRENT RANK:    Petty Officer, 3rd class (IS3)
CURRENT BILLET:  Procurement Specialist, TFS
AGE: 34
DOB: 13 SEP 2388
POB: Deep Space Nine, Bajor system
PARENTS: Father: Ryan Stewart, LCDR, Starfleet,
assigned to SFJAG; b. 2366,
currently aged 54
Mother: Jaden Nala, former Dabo girl,
now director of Tilio city
orphanage, Bajor; b. 2370,
currently aged 50

* '''''This biofile is currently unavailable.'''''
HEIGHT:    1.88m (6' 2")
WEIGHT:    87 kg (192lb)
HAIR:     Dark brown
EYES:     Brown
VISION: 20/20
RELIGION: Bajoran, lapsed (-very- lapsed)
LANGUAGES: Bajoran, Federation Standard (native);
Cardassian, Ferengi, Klingon (fluent);
plus a smattering of other languages
A. Academic Institutions Attended:
2405-2407 Tilio Community College, Tilio, Bajor
- Practical Astrogation, Warp Drive Maintenance, Impulse Engine
B. Service Schools Attended:
C. Qualifications:
Master's Certificate (under review)
D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-17:    Born as a result of an indiscreet liaison
between an off-duty Starfleet officer and a
pretty Dabo girl on DS9; raised on station.
17-18: Studied starship skills at community college on
18:      Apprentice Nav/Helm officer aboard ORB OF CHANCE
25-33: Captain/owner, ORB OF CHANCE
33-34: Arrested by SF Customs agents on charges of
smuggling illegal biomimetic gel packs to Bajor,
after an operation spanning six years; in view
of this remarkable feat of evasiveness, case
passed to SFIA for review; prisoner offered a
pardon conditional on Federation service.
B. Background Summary:
When Dabo girl Jaden Nala met a dashing young Human Starfleet
officer enjoying some well-deserved R&R, little did she realise
how her life was about to change. The Starfleet officer is still
unaware of the result of their one-night-stand; Nala had no way
of contacting him, and so she raised her son by herself.
Life aboard a space station gave young Tor a great deal
of enthusiasm for the stars and starships, but his application
to Starfleet Academy was turned down when he couldn't find a
sponsor; the station's commanding officer decided not to help
in view of a number of minor legal scrapes the Bajoran national
had managed to get mixed up in. So Nala sent her son back to her
home planet to study for a career in the Bajoran merchant fleet.
It turned out to be a good decision: within seven years, he had
gone from apprentice navigator to captain of a small transport
ship, the ORB OF CHANCE. A year later he bought the ship from
its previous owner, who considered it obsolete anyway, and began
a career as an independent trader.
Which happened to be a polite way of saying 'smuggler'.
As it turned out, Jaden Tor was a very gifted smuggler,
managing to rack up a huge number of successful runs under the
ever-vigilant noses of Starfleet and Federation Customs. He
gained numerous contacts, legitimate and otherwise, throughout
Federation space and among the neighbouring regions.
Eventually, Federation Customs decided something had to
be done. A six-year investigation finally gathered sufficient
evidence to narrow the field to ten possible smuggling ships.
Customs officers boarded and searched all ten vessels, one of
which happened to be carrying contraband. That vessel was the
Facing some serious prison-time, Tor reluctantly agreed
when a representative for Star Fleet Intelligence asked to speak
with him. The conversation which followed was classified, but
the end result was that Jaden Tor found himself drafted into
Starfleet as a junior NCO and assigned to a small unit he'd
never heard of before, TASK FORCE something-or-other . . .
Since then he has been shot at, shipwrecked, beaten,
threatened, sworn at . . . and he's loving it.
C. Personality Summary:
To survive as a smuggler, a man has to be mentally tough and
self-disciplined, able to play a role with conviction. He also
needs to be physically tough, because he'll be dealing with the
wrong sort of people every day of his life. Jaden Tor has these
qualities in spades, combined with a rugged sense of humour
which helps him cope with the uncertainties of life on the far
side of the law.
For a man following a criminal career, he has surprisingly
strong morals--of a sort. He never takes 'dirty' jobs, which
is fluidly defined as 'any job which involves helping dirtbags
to hurt innocent folk', and sticks to the bargains he makes,
expecting others to do the same. He's no saint though, and if a
job requires stretching the truth or a little 'rough work', then
so be it. And all bets are off when it comes to making sure
dirtbags get what they deserve.
A. Promotion History:
Star Date (24)200601: Inducted into Starfleet as PO3 (E-4)
B. Service History:
Star Date (24)200601: Inducted into Starfleet as PO3 (E-4)
Star Date (24)200601: Assigned to TASK FORCE SIERRA
C.  Medals and Commendations
None at this time.
V. Skills Profile
Qualified pilot, navigator and starship master; competent in
engineering maintenance. He has much experience in cutting deals
with all kinds of shady characters, and of necessity can handle
himself in a fight.
VI. Recent Fitness Reports
Extract from arrest report:
"I've been working this case for five years, and finally it's
over. Jaden Tor would be a living legend among smugglers, except
that the most successful smugglers are the ones nobody has heard
of. In the end, I was just lucky this time: Sector Office gave
me enough manpower to search all ten suspect vessels, and even
then we almost missed the contraband.
"The irony is, if I'd had to choose which ship to
search, it wouldn't have been the ORB OF CHANCE and Jaden would
have gotten away with it again."
-- Federation Customs Agent Dania Grea
"Subject is in good health. Examination revealed a couple of
scars from knife-wounds, I daresay relics of the patient's
dubious past activities. Passed fit for duty."
-- Dr Marek Lionis, SFMED
VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Informal poker games or tweaking the systems aboard his battered
old freighter tend to occupy what little down-time Jaden Tor
gets. He has been known to participate in the time-honoured
merchant navy tradition of bar-room brawling on occasion too.
IX. Miscelleneous Information
Almost always wears a Klingon disruptor pistol in a thigh
holster, and keeps a d'k tahg knife tucked in a boot. These he
claims to have been given by an old Klingon drinking buddy, but
there's probably another story behind them . . .
